Day Two

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Thank you to everyone who is reading my story! Please don't forget to like and comment :) This is going to be a shorter chapter, let me know what you think.


So it's day two. It's pretty much like the first day. Awkward stares, whispers. The normal stuff. It didn't bother me much anymore and I just kept to myself anyway. What did bother me was that Wolfe boy is not leaving me alone and I hate myself for saying it but he's kinda an ugly sort of way. Dang it I can't even lie to myself properly.

He's hot. Like super hot, even super duper hot. It's frustrating. Girls literally drool all over him. But not me nooooo. I have some self control, like this much. Hah you can't tell how much I'm measuring so just imagine it's a bunch. 

He would be a hot, sensual and passionate lover - that's what I guess anyway. Not the kind that would capture the heart, like a one time thing. I don't believe its my heart that's attracted to him, more so my libido, figures.

School is dragging at this point and all I've thought about is Wolfe boy, his eyes and those dimples and how much I hate myself for letting my body feel this way about a guy. Most of the guys in my previous schools would either ignore me or make fun of me. Usually the latter. The harsh comments would be about my eyes which are purple or how I would dress like a guy with huge baggy clothes. I did this to prevent people staring, sometimes I would even wear contacts but they would hurt my eyes after only a little bit and I had to take them out. Now I just tell people that they are contacts.

Lunchtime. The one thing I hate about school, you have all your cliche groups of students. Jocks, Cheerleaders, Cool Kids/Rich Kids then there is the Goths/Emos/Weirdos. It's worse when you think you would fit in with said group then they find a different table because they think you're weirder than they are – true story.

Instead I decide to sit outside, far away from everyone. I find a perfect spot under an old oak tree and sit there with my food. I would not exactly call it food; it is a glop of some sort accompanied by a bread bun that you could probably chisel down to make an effective shiv. I push away the fake food and lean up against the tree trunk with my back towards the school and close my eyes. This is where I love being, outside in nature listening to the leaves rustle and the birds chirp.

"Only two months to go Aria, nothing can stop you" I muttered under my breath.

A voice beside me makes me jump from my skin "Giving yourself a pep talk? Nice" I could hear the smirk oozing from this persons face hole. Wolfe boy.

"Stop sneaking up on me you creep!" I blurted out my eyes going wide as I opened them. He sat right in front of me with his legs crossed, an arm length away.

He smiled and his dimples deepened even more.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, my mind going into defense mode. He threw his hands up in defense and chuckled.

"I'm not, I was just wondering who the weirdo was sitting out here by themselves" he smiled playfully eyeing my tray of untouched food. "Looks like Helga wants everyone to starve today" he gestured toward the glop and I laughed nodding my head.

I eyed him warily, "Why are you even talking to me?" I said crossing my arms. He looked at me with a genuine smile, not one of his regular smirks or smiles that exuded confidence.

"I find you odd" he said his face now serious. That ass.

"Well that was a dick thing to say" I said rolling my eyes, I go to get up and he starts laughing and he grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Wait, wait please let me finish that sentence, I mean weird in a good way not a bad way" he said still chuckling.

"Uh huh that makes it all the better" I snatch my handout of his grasp and narrow my eyes, if I do not get away from him soon, I may punch him. He starts laughing harder. I grab my lunch tray in one hand, deciding against throwing it in his face and then grab my bag, heaving it on to my shoulder and start walking. Wolfe boy scrambles to his feet and rushes after me.

"Moone, I just meant that you are not like the other girls. Normally any newbies would be head over heels and swooning over me by now" he smirks and continues "we're at day two and still nothing" his smirk falters slightly but he regains himself quickly. "I'm just not used to it that's all" he finishes running a hand through his messy brown hair. This guy is so conceited he would never believe anyone would refuse him. He looks torn like it is really hurting him. I was not going to fall for that again. I clear my throat and look at him pointedly.

"Look, it's not that you're not" I pause and gesture towards his body, making weird hand signals. Too late I realized I had been staring at his body, not at his eyes. Dammit! He smirked again.

"You were saying?" he said motioning for me to continue.

"You're good looking okay!" I literally screamed it at his face. We had already walked back to the entrance to the cafeteria. People were staring and I cringed so bad, a blush creeping up my neck. He was loving this, making me nervous and embarrassing me. I huffed loudly and massaged my temples, they were starting to throb and only happened when I got angry. Shit I remembered I had left my medication in my locker.

Ignoring his stupid dimples I turned and stormed away. He continued to follow me but I ignored him. Finally I had got back to my locker, people were still staring and probably wondering why Wolfe boy was hot on my heels. Sweat had broken out across my brow and I was breathing heavily. Geez I'm unfit.

I fumbled with my lock while Wolfe boy continued to drone on about how hot he was and that he still did not understand why I was not falling for his charms. The air became suffocating and my vision went blurry, suddenly I was heaving even more, and I could not get my locker open. Man I was REALLY unfit.

My fingers started to tingle and the feeling behind my eyes became painful, I screamed out in pain and dropped to the floor holding my head. Wolfe boy was at my side in an instant.

"Whats wrong?" he asked his eyes filled with worry.

"Medication" I mumbled nodding towards my locker, it felt like my head was about to explode. Wolfe boy got up and tore the lock off - wait no that couldn't have happened i must have told him the combination. He fumbled through the mess in my locker and finally found my pills, he dropped to the ground again opening it for me.

"How many?" he asked, trying to read the worn out prescription instructions.

"Two" I whispered through another wave of pain and clenched teeth. I tried to calm my breathing but it was not working. Wolfe boy handed me the pills and I chomped on them frantically hoping they would kick in fast.

Outside you could hear the wind howling and thunder rolling closer, I tried to focus on those two sounds. Slowly my breathing returned to normal and my head stopped throbbing, I opened my eyes to a worried looking Wolfe boy. Uggh why was he still here? He owed me a new lock. As I go to stand, my legs give out and Wolfe boy catches me.

I suddenly felt exhausted, the warmth from Wolfe boy made me sigh quietly and my eyes were getting heavier. I tried to speak but nothing came out and just before the darkness engulfed me i heard Wolfe boy.

"Dammit Moone, I didn't mean for you to literally fall for me" he whispered, just so I would hear. I'll make sure to hit him for that. There was other noise and fussing around me, then there was nothing.

The Queen of Bones and NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora