The Truth (Week 10)

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Keeping my pregnancy wasn't a secret any longer.  My belly had grown a little more by my eight week so there was no hiding it.  I truly became another statistic, another teen pregnancy.  It sucked but at the same time and deep down I couldn't help but feel so lucky.

Now I sat in front of my computer.  

"You nervous?" Jo asked as he came into the home office.

"A bit."

"It'll be fine."

"No it won't.".

"Well gotta do it eventually right?  Better now than after the baby is born.  Good luck."

I didn't say a word.  Instead Jo left the office.

I looked at the computer and saw the invitation.  Taking a deep breath I opened up the screen.

"Hey you," he smiled.

I smiled slightly, "Hey, dad."

"You okay, you sound a little off?"

I ignored the question for now.  "How are you?"

"Oh you know more of the same."


"You'll be happy to know I got my time off.  I'll be coming home in five weeks."

Five weeks I thought.  That would make me fifteen weeks.  I would have grown a lot by then and then there would be no hiding from it for sure.

"Don't seem so excited," he said to me.


"Okay, Z, what's going on?  I know something's up, what is it?"

I could feel my eyes begin to water.  I did my best to stay in control.  "You're going to hate me.  I swear I didn't mean for it to happen but it did and now I-,"

"Z, just tell me."

"Dad, um, I'm having a baby."

"What do you mean you're having a baby?" he said, his tone and demeanor taking a different turn.

"I mean...I mean um...I'm pregnant."

He remained silent for a couple of minutes.  

"Okay," he said not sure of what else to say.

"Look, I'll move out of the house, I'll get a job, I'll do whatever it takes but I'm keeping this baby."

He smiled, "I figured you would.  I know we've never talked about this sort of thing, I didn't even know you ever wanted to be a mom."

"Well I never did.  It was just one of those things that happened and now I'm pregnant I've never wanted anything more."

He nodded.  "This shouldn't have happened at all but now that it has well I guess I have to trust you to do what's right for you.  I'm just sorry I can't be there for you."

"So you're not angry?"

"Not angry just more disappointed than anything else but I can get over that.  As for the house and getting a job, you don't have to worry about any of that.  Your mom left you the house and the inheritance so you're pretty set for life and then some."

"I am sorry."

"I know.  What about the baby's father?"

"It was kind of a one night stand type of thing," I admitted.  No point in hiding it.

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