See You Again

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I was starting to feel uncomfortable with the way I looked. Dad had left weeks ago and now I stood in front of the mirror at twenty weeks pregnant. I looked more like seven months had I been only carrying one child instead of three which is why my belly grew every week which still always surprised me.

What made it even more difficult and uncomfortable was how my hormones kept going up. Never had I wanted sex so badly.  I had read in the baby books that this was common I just never expected it.  I could feel the pulsing below, my body telling me how much I needed it but all I could do was try to forget about it.

I made my way into the kitchen.  Though it was early I pulled out some pizza from last night and placed some pickles and peanut butter on it.  Disgusting as heck but also so good.  

"How can you even eat that," Jo asked.

I swallowed, "Don't ask me.  It's these weird cravings.  I can't help it, besides I'm hungry."

"Well can't you at least eat something healthier?"

"Believe me I tried but it didn't taste or smell as good.  Pizza with pickles and peanut butter wins this time."

"Hey," he said.  "You're going to be okay with this right?"

I took another bite and swallowed, "You mean with you and Emma being gone?"

"Yeah.  We haven't told our parents about you and with them in town they really want to see us so it's better if we go home this weekend."

I smiled, "You don't have to explain.  I get it.  And I'll totally be fine.  I'm just going to hang around here, maybe go for a few walks, binge on Netflix, you know, a chill weekend."

"Okay cool.  We're only a text away if you need us."

"Jo, I'll be fine, I promise."

"I don't know," Emma said as she came in, "Maybe we shouldn't."

"You guys," I said, "go.  Don't worry about me.  One weekend won't hurt.  I mean it's not like I'll be going into labor or whatever.  I've still got 33 weeks to go.  God that seems like forever."

"Okay fine, we'll go," said Emma, "We just hate leaving you."

"It's fine.  I actually wouldn't mind a weekend to myself anyways."

"Yeah," said Jo, "I guess we do kind of hover a bit don't we?"

I smiled, "Just a little bit."

"Have a good weekend then," said Jo.

Emma came up to me and placed a hand on my belly.  "And take care of my god-children."

I placed a hand on the side of my belly, "They're perfectly safe.  Now go."


Once my friends were gone I did exactly what I had planned to do.  I watched a little Netflix and took a short nap only it wasn't so short.  Having gone to sleep at ten I didn't wake up until four twenty seven in the afternoon.  

By then I was hungry again and after that I didn't like the taste in my mouth so I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth.

When I came out and into my bedroom, I saw him standing there.

Neal looked at me and smiled, "You're so beautiful," he said to me.

"You're back," I said to him.

"For now," he said.

"I don't care how long," I said as I walked towards him, "I'm just glad you're here."

Once we were standing close, I leaned myself forward so that my belly was at an angle so I could kiss him.  It wasn't quite the same with my belly between us but it was just as good.  Suddenly I felt the pulsating in my pelvic area again and I couldn't ignore it.  I also felt that he could sense it too.  

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