Welcome Home

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I stood at the airport waiting for my dad's flight a month later.  I wanted to keep my hands to my side but they kept coming to the top of my belly.  I didn't want to bring attention to it but it was hard not to.  At fifteen weeks my belly had grown quite a bit.  

I'd had my appointment a week ago and the babies were growing normally which made me feel more at ease.  I'd also kept my dad in the loop though I hadn't told him I was having triplets.  That was one thing I wanted to tell him in person.

People stared at me.  I tried to not dwell on what they were thinking.  

My dad finally came into view.  He saw me and smiled slightly.  

"Hi, dad," I said hugging him from the side.  I couldn't exactly hug him from the front given my belly.

He placed a kiss on my head, "Hey, sweetie.  You didn't have to pick me up, I could have taken a cab."

"It's okay, I wanted to be here."  He looked at my belly, "Well look at you," he said placing one hand on it.  Are you sure there's only one in there?"

I ignored the comment.  I wanted to tell him later.

"So how long are you here for," I asked.

"Just a week."



Once we got home dad went and unpacked in his bedroom while I went to the kitchen for some waters.  We then took seats on the couches.

"Are you tired," he asked.

"I'm okay."

"So how are you holding up.  You're at fifteen weeks now right?"

"Yeah.  Dad, you should probably know something.  You know how you asked me if there was only one in here," I said placing my hand on my belly.  He nodded, "there's not.  There's three."

His eyes widdened, "Three," he repeated.  "I'm going to have three grandkids?"

"I know it's pretty crazy."

"That's an understatement."

"How do you think I feel?  I am sorry that all of this happened."

"I think we're way past apologizing, Z.  It's okay.  I mean do I hate that you're going through this at your age, of course I do but you're not alone."

"You're right about that," Jo said as he came inside.  "Hey Jedediah."

My dad stood up and hugged Jo.  "It's good to see you, son.  Where's Emma?"

"She had to stay after school for some school thing.  I didn't ask.  Didn't feel like sticking around."

"Some boyfriend," I teased.

"Hey, we don't have to be with each other all the time especially since we live together."

My dad looked at me.  "What," I said to him, "I told you they moved in."

He nodded.  "Right, forgot about that part for a minute.  It's good she has the two of you," he said to Jo.  "With three babies, she's going to need your help.  I'm just sorry I can't be around to be there for you."

"I get it," I said.  "So do you know the genders," he asked as he began to get interested.

"No, I want to be surprised."

"What about names?"

"Haven't thought about that either but I've got plenty of time for that.  You should probably sit down again.  I've got so much to tell you."

"I'll leave you to it then," said Jo.

"It's fine," I said, "You can stay."

He nodded and smiled.  The three of them taking seats.

I proceded to tell my dad everything.  I told him about Neal and where he was from, how I was in love with him even though we couldn't be together.  And I told him about the pregnancy and how long it would last.  He took it in stride like my friends.  It was weird for him but he accepted it for what it was.

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