Once More

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Looking down at myself I was shocked at just how much my belly had grown in seven weeks since I was twenty weeks pregnant.

Now that I was seven months along I had taken my maternity leave.  Thankfully it wasn't much of a big deal given that it was July and we were out of school for the summer.  School wouldn't begin until August which meant I wouldn't be going back until February.

It was early morning and though I had slept well I still ended up taking a nap around eleven and woke up around three.  

"How are you holding up?" Emma asked when I found her in the living area as she handed me a mint chocolate ship milkshake.

I took a sip.

"Honestly," I said, "I feel like I'm about to pop."

Emma smiled ,"well hey just think about it, only five months to go."

I got a pillow and tossed it at her face.  Emma laughed.  

"I've gotta say, I am so glad I'm not you.  Having to be pregnant for nine months is bad enough but to be pregnant for twelve, I don't know how you do it and then there's the fact that you're having them the natural way, ah, that's just insane."

"Like I have a choice.  Want to trade places?"

"And have future babies with someone else, sorry Z but I love Jo too much.  You can do the work for all of us."

I took another sip of the milkshake.  "Mm, it's missing something."

"Let me guess, pickles?  That's just gross."

I began making my way to the kitchen but Emma stopped me.  "You sit, you need to be off your feet."

I handed it to her, "Thank you," I said.

Walking over to the couch I held onto the edge as I tried to sit down.  It certainly wasn't easy anymore.  I took a deep breath.  The babies started to move a lot.  I placed my hand on my belly, "Easy," I said to them.

I felt the urge to pee again but my system no longer worked that way.  I shifted to get comfortable.  

Emma came over and grabbed the automan, helping to place my feet up so that I was even more comfortable.  She handed me the milkshake.

"Thanks," I said to her.

"No problem."


Another two weeks passed.  I was now twenty-nine weeks, thirty-six weeks.  A time when normal women would be having their babies but not me.  It was now September which meant only three months to go.  I was standing out back with a cup of hot chocolate.  I had been sitting down and sleeping most of the day so it felt nice to get out for a bit.  

"Zan," Jo called out.  I turned.  I was about to walk inside but he and Emma came to me instead.  Emma couldn't help but smile like crazy.

"Surprise!" she said as she and Jo moved to reveal Neal.

My eyes widened.  "You're here!"

He smiled at me, "I told you I would be."

"I see you met my friends."

"I was starting to think you weren't real," Emma said to him.

The two of us looked at each other.  Emma and Jo looked between us.

"Okay," said Emma, "Jo and I have a date night so we're going to go."

"We do?" Jo asked.

Emma looked at him, "we do now."

"Right," he said as he took Emma's hand and the two of them left.

Once we heard the front door close Neal took a step close to me and took my hands.  

"You grew," he said as he looked at my Belly.  "You look amazing."

"I do not.  I'm a whale."

"I don't care, you still look amazing.  You're still a superhero."

"Shall we," he asked.

I knew what he was refering to so holding his hand I lead him to the bedroom.  

I felt self conscious as I unbuttoned my dress, this one blue with buttons all the way up.  Neal was already undressed.  He moved closer and then went down below so he could take off my panties.  He took his time coming up, caressing between my legs and then rubbing my belly from below and making his way until he reached my breasts, caressing all of it.  

I could feel myself getting wet.  It still amazed me at how I could get turned on.  Though I felt ginormous Neal made me feel beautiful.

Keeping his hand on my right breast he turned behind me and began to kiss my back, shoulders and neck, keeping his hand on my breast and his left one caressed my left side as well as my belly.  

For a moment I stopped.  I went to the restroom and came back with massage oil.  I poured some on the top of my belly, tossing the bottle to the side and then rubbed the oil over my belly.  Neal helped to rub it on as well.

We made our way to the bed, my back lying back while my belly was prone.  Neal continued to rub my belly, the oil still fresh.  The position no longer felt comfortable and Neal seemed to sense it so we traded positions.  He had his back against the headboard while I sat on top of him but facing away.  He slid into me, my belly relaxing on the bed.  As he massaged my back and kissed it and my shoulders I reached behind so that I could hold onto his legs and rub them.  I then brought my hands forward so that I could caress my sides and my belly.  

Another position.  My belly was too big so we couldn't be together forward so I was now on my right side as was he and he entered me.  The two of us tightly fit together rubbing my belly as he moved inside.

"You okay," he whispered.

I smiled at his concern for my well being.  "I'm perfect."

He helped me turn over so that I could face him, my belly between us.  He held me as close as he could, my belly touching his stomach.  He kept his hand over it.  

"I was afraid that it wouldn't feel the same now that I'm bigger," I said as I kept a hand on the undercarriage of my belly, cradling it.

"But it didn't?"

"It was better."

"I'm glad.  I just want you to feel comfortable."

"I am."

We went another couple more rounds.

Like before it was time for Neal to leave.  This time there was no way of knowing if he would be back.  By the way he said goodbye it didn't seem like he would be.  It was over for an indefinite amount of time for now.  The pain of it was hard to accept but we both knew the time was finally here to really say goodbye.

I watched him leave one last time.

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