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After their conversation in the gardens, the King would let himself be seen around the palace more often, which prompted more encounters between the two. None were very long or compelling, but she appreciated every one of them, and she was thankful she could see and talk to him more often.

After some days, though, she figured enough time had passed with her being away that she ought to pay a visit to her friends in the town aboveground. She felt a bit bad about having left without explaining. She wondered what the little ghost had told their siblings, if at all.

It suddenly occurred to her that neither the pale children nor the King were aware the other party was alive. She wondered how that would get across for any of them. Should she be worried that maybe one of the siblings would become hostile upon learning this? ...maybe she should tell the King first. It's not like he would need anyone's protection, much less hers; he was a god, after all. But emotional scarring was something not even his divinity could protect him from, and as much as he liked to pretend he didn't, she knew he had feelings.

...she would think about it at some other time. There was no rush. For now, she decided to pack a couple of supplies for a trip.


He was surprising himself a lot lately, with how often he left his chambers. He couldn't help it. He regretted to admit he enjoyed the company. Don't get him wrong, he liked being alone, but perhaps his solitude had gotten tedious after an age. And the palace was big enough that he could still easily seclude himself if he wanted to.

When she had first arrived he had immediately dismissed her and left, and later, when he noticed she had taken residence within his realm, he had become... not angry, but extremely annoyed. He had considered banishing or even killing her, but he didn't have enough energy to waste on such trivialities. He had just decided to wait it out, for she was sure to get tired and lonely before he did. That hadn't gone quite well. But he was glad he hadn't acted against her. He... didn't really want her to leave.

That's why, when he saw her appear dressed with a short cloak, dark pants and combat boots and carrying at her side a small bag of supplies, he panicked.

"Good morning, my King" she greeted with her usual bow. He was so caught up in his thoughts -why was she leaving? Had he done something wrong? But lately they had been talking a lot more! Maybe he'd said something she hadn't liked? What if she had been telling the truth about doing some research and she had already concluded? Where was she even going? Maybe he could ask her to stay? Could he ask her to stay?- that he didn't reply. Thankfully, he didn't have to.

"I have come to inform you that I will be spending the day out, today. I have some acquaintances up in Dirtmouth I would like to catch up with. I will be back in a while; since I don't plan on spending the night out".

...oh. Okay. There was no need to overreact. Calm down.

"Very well. We will see you later, then".

"Goodbye". She bowed again before turning around and heading for the exit. He watched her walk until she rounded a corner, and then waited until he heard the distant sound of the veil between realms opening and closing again.

...now what?

Huh. One would think he'd been alone long enough that he'd never have to make himself that question, and yet here he was. He'd grown used to, at the very least, watching her work. He found himself already looking forward to her return.

But he still needed something to do for today. He supposed it had been a while since the last time he built something, but... although his passion for engineering was something he knew he'd never lose, he had grown tired of working with the same materials for so long. Same materials meant the same results. He could have asked her to bring him something to... build... with? Uh, on second thought, maybe it was a good thing that he hadn't. He didn't know what he would have asked for, anyway. Discarded nails? Scrap metal? Imagine that, the Pale King of Hallownest, the New Light and giver or sapience, asking her to bring scrap metal she found laying around. What would she have thought of him.

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