~ Chapter 4 ~

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(note: hi, uhhh this chapter is a bit different because it's basically between acorn and bacon wondering around the night and saw a girl getting harassed in the corner with the rich kids so yeah. also noob and guest are sleeping around that time, plus this story is a bit random because I was ruining out of ideas.)

(At 1:00am)

"Hey acorn, I don't think it's not good going through the nights around this time..." Bacon said tiredly. "Like what are we doing, you know I'm so tired around the whole one hour walk this is not fair." he added "Oh shut up bacon, you know your just saying that because i'm not tired" acorn while, whistling. "Because your just energetic, that's all ugh..." Bacon said, while shivering through the windy night. "Whatever you say, we can go-" before acorn could finish her sentence, she was cut off by a screaming coming through the corners.

"uhhh...what was that noise?"
"Bacon, you idiot that was a scream from a girl!"
"DON'T CALL ME A IDIOT I DIDN'T KNOW IT" bacon angrily huffed,
"COME ON THERE IS NO TIME TO STAND AROUND HERE AND LET'S SEE WHO IS SCREAMING" acorn said shouting, but not loud because she knows she might wake the whole neighborhood up.
"let's go!" acorn ran, bacon followed her behind, acorn is such a idiot. Bacon said in his mind.

"Shut up girl, give us your money or we'll kill you here right here mysteriously."
acorn and bacon hide in the corner, they saw what they were doing to the poor girl. she was struggling to escape but her arms were gripped by the two holiday crown boys with a adidas jacket and a bear mask. and the 2 girls on a gucci crop top with a holiday crowns as well, while the other one is holding a large kitchen knife going to the poor girl's neck. It was the "rich" kids.

"acorn we gonna do something! that girl is struggling what should we do?!" Bacon whispered at acorn loudly. Acorn got out on the corner and going to the 4 rich kids,

"acorn what are you doing are you going to get killed?!!" Bacon whispered half shouted at her to stop stepping closer to them, but it was late acorn already got out and knocked a girl with a knife, with her arm. hard. The girl was able to balance her body through the hit and looks at the person who knocked her.

"Ugh! What's WRONG with you?! Are you trying to fight us?!"
"And why ARE you doing to the poor girl?!" acorn said angrily. "What's your problem lady!? this poor girl is your friend? Psst.. have her. Let's go guys ugh.."
the two males thrown the girl to the ground really hard, acorn just stood there. Mad. bacon doesn't want to get involved on this, he didn't have a chance to help acorn because he was scared so he just watched her. The rich kids left and ran off, laughing loudly.

"sorry...i didn't have a chance to help you guys..." Bacon said quietly, still disappointed. "It's okay man." Acorn said sighing and goes to the girl who was crying on the ground which she was bleeding from the throw. "Hey it's okay.. we're here to help you, sorry if we take long to rescue you from the rich kids." acorn looked at her with a sad face. "it's okay...thank you for the help. I was glad someone rescued my life on those bullies.." the girl said while sniffing, "oh umm...my name is laverder.. I'm a girl guest which a mute person but i can quite talk a little.." she said whipping her tears in her eyes. "Hey it's okay uhhh.. laverder I'm glad to help you to thi-ACKK!!" Lavender hugged her tightly, still crying, acorn just soothing her to calm down that everythin okay, while bacon gives her a lenny face and finger guns are her teasingly. Of course acorn just rolled her eyes and looks away because she felt flustered from just soothing lavender.

"oh yeah is there any place that you can stay?" acorn asked her, she pushed lavender softly. "No... because I can only stay at my friends house but they kicked me out for not paying them because I don't have money to pay their rent so I'm fine staying at the streets..." lavender said still trying to hold her tears, bacon just looked at lavender with a worried face, he felt he didn't want lavender to sleep in the streets because it's really cold outside. No blankets,pillows or matress.

"Hey why not you stay with us!" Bacon said "what? but how we supposed to get her to bed?" acorn explained. "Your house not mine." Bacon shrugged "fine.."
"You guys are letting me stay on your home?" "Oh, no! Your going to acorn's home she can handle it you!" Bacon said with a smile on his face "alright let's keep going because it's almost 3am" "okaaay let's keep going" they walked for awhile, bacon and acorn said goodbye to each other and of course bacon said goodbye to lavender too because she's staying at acorn's house.

(It's noob pov *sorta Because of the third person.* I'll write what happened)

(In the morning)

Noob slowly opened his eyes, still tired. he was awake and trying to remember what happened but wait something is not right, where is guest? He thought to himself, noob got up and he saw a paper on the table, he picked it up and opened it. It was from guest which he reads it...

"Hey noob, if your reading this, sorry if I didn't woke you up because I was trying to get home early which I go out at 4am nothing much, I have alot of things to handle with my girlfriend because I know she would be mad at me so...you can call me everytime when you need me I'm here.


Call? What call he means? Noob is still confused about it but he knows it's just for the important stuffs to call guest, that's for sure. I mean guest is a nice person and a good person but does he mean that in different? Or he is just dreaming?.

noob suddenly have nothing to do cause it's 8am, rainy day. and it was saturday. he might call bacon but he's not sure yet. bacon has alot to do with acorn on their time. Busy with their projects. But what should he do?

He sighed and looks at the window. Staring at the rain drops dripping down, still tired. but is he a good friend on guest? he thought himself over and over again, he wasn't sure but guest knows him a little. he really hopes he would know alot from guest, curiosity kills him and still embarrassed.

*Ring ring ring* (ayaya you're little butterfly- alright I'll stop continuing the story)

noob was surprised, someone was calling him on a rainy day. "Huh..? I wonder who would it be..?" He picked up his phone and...

Guest was calling him...

(Alright I'll stop on here cause i wonder what will they do next?,
Also, y'all I'm ruining out of ideas so it'll might take awhile of me to write everything so please just sit down and wait for me 👀)

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