Chapter 1

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When you realize everything that you thought was real actually meant nothing, don't get it? Let's start at the beginning.

"So, are you excited for school next year?" Asked Sky one of my closest friends. We have been together ever since grade one. How we became friends I can't quiet remember, all I know is we could read each other like an open book from the start. "Yeah, well no. I mean is anyone really ready for school. We have to go there and show who we are and make our mark on the first day! Like everyone will be doing! Maybe this year I don't want to try and be noticed. Have you realised this could be the start to our future? Maybe this year we should forget about fitting in. This year should really be about who we are and where we will be going after collage." I said to Sky while folding and packing away my clean clothes. "Wait Kelly are you saying we should go in and try not to be the most popular?" Sky said while laughing. "Have we ever been the most popular?" I asked winking and knowing we have never been popular. Sure, we have been noticed I mean who wouldn't notice a group of girls together. As crazy as it seems we have always stuck together but have nothing in common, that's what we love about each other, we can be ourselves and not compete to be the leader of the group. I'm sure you have watched those movies where there is always one in the group that has to control everyone. Be the best, tell everyone what they can and can't wear who they can and can't talk to, who they must and must not be. Not in our group, we are so different that we can't all decide who should be the leader, but we all did decide that we don't need a leader.

There is Sky, she is a bit on the chubby side, due to not losing her baby fat as yet. She has the most beautiful strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, she is also covered from head to toe with freckles as she would say. Then you have Page, she has a more of a muscular build as she calls it, a fact that we all disagree on. The fact that she can't touch her butt to her feet when kneeling on her knees and can't touch her shoulders with her thumbs is not muscles, but it is strange as she is not fat. It's almost as if she is completely unflex-able. She has beautiful red hair soft skin and the greenest eyes. If you ask me, she loves to be in control, but we won't let her. Alexandra is the oldest in the group. She was held back a grade, but the shortest, so no one really notices unless they know her age. Her brown hair is super straight and sits on her shoulders, she has brown eyes to match her hair, her only problem is she doesn't know who she is yet, she is still trying to figure that one out. Roxy is the baby in the group literally. She is the youngest and doesn't go to any of our classes, she is sort of my sister, her parents took me in. She has long black hair, brown eyes, and freckles on her nose. She might be the youngest, but she is the most outspoken. Then there is me, Kelly, I'm nothing special, trust me. I have wavy brown hair and greenish brown eyes, I did have baby fat like Sky before the holidays, but during the holidays all my fat went to my boobs. Look I'm not complaining, but have you ever tried to talk to a guy when you have big boobs, you never see his eyes. 

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