Chapter 7

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"What are we doing here?" I asked as we all tried to make sure the bush was covering us from the view. "You guys can't tell mom or dad. If they find out I would know it was one of you." Said Mathew pointing to myself and Roxy. Shane squeezed my hand and looked at me almost like he was watching to see my reaction to all of this. Was this something else he wanted to tease me about? "Right, you go first." Said Mathew as he handed me a bottle of alcohol. "I know if you drink first you guys wont snitch." I opened the lid, I had never had any alcohol except the wine that mom gave us. One thing about me and the group I hang out with. We don't go out and try do drugs and drink, we have never been interested in those kinds of things and maybe that's why we weren't popular. I took a sip and it felt like fire going down my throat, and as I tried to take a breath I started coughing. "Kelly, you're a virgin?" asked Shane with no shame. "WHAT!" I couldn't even answer him "The alcohol is to strong. I noticed you drinking wine but didn't realize you were a virgin to the hard liquor." He said as he took the bottle and took such a big sip that I'm sure if I tried that I would definitely be spitting it out. "Yes, first time." I said shyly. He passed the bottle over to Mathew and stood behind me with his back against the wall and his arms wrapped around my waist. After my second sip I handed the bottle to Roxy. "No thanks, it stinks." She said as she took out my phone. She didn't have her own phone and I didn't mind her using mine. Shrugging my shoulders, I handed the bottle around again. Shane wrapped his arms around me tighter every time and I started to feel lightheaded. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or Shane making me feel this way. "I think I should get you to bed." He whispered in my ear. With his body so close to mine, electricity shot through my body. "um yeah I need to go to sleep, but I can manage to get there on my own." I said as I realized I needed to get out of here. "Are you sure." He asked again so softly that I wasn't sure if I really heard him correctly. I closed my eyes as I felt his arms go down my body and land on my waist. As I opened my eyes it was only us standing there, Mathew and Roxy must have left. He turned me around slowly and pushed me up against the wall. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time. "I really don't mind assisting you to bed." He said as his lips came closer to mine and his hands went below my nightgown, slowly sliding up to my thigh. "I will be fine, thanks." I said as I placed my hands flat against his chest. I could feel his muscles through his shirt, I could feel the power he had. If he wanted to, he could pin me there and there would be nothing I would be able to do to stop him. He stepped aside to let me get passed him and go back to the fire. "There you are!" said Roxy with her arms crossed around her chest. "I have been looking everywhere for you! I went to pee and when I came back Mathew said you went to bed, so I went to look for you there and you weren't there." As I looked at Roxy, she must have seen something wasn't adding up, but it was almost as if she doubted herself. "How about a goodnight kiss." Asked Shane. "Maybe next time" I said as I walked towards Roxy, looking back over my shoulder at him, realizing I could have him right now if I wanted. Roxy grabbed me around my waist and started walking towards the house.

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