Chapter 6

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"What is going on?" asked Roxy as we got into the bedroom and changed into our nightgowns. "Roxy, your guess is as good as mine!" I answered not sure of how to make sense of what was happening. "He read my messages I sent to Sky." I said as I pulled out my phone and handed it to Roxy. "Then he grabbed my hand under the table, I couldn't pull away." I said as I sat down on the bed. "You couldn't or didn't want to?" she asked as she handed my phone back. "To be honest, I'm not sure, at first, I wanted to pull my hand away, but it felt nice." I finally admitted. "Please don't tell me you like him or do anything stupid." She said as she got into bed. "I don't know, I'm so confused right now, even thinking about it gives me butterflies." Knock Knock we both jumped from the noise and looked at each other. "Do you girls want to join us? I convinced mom to let us make a fire and braai marshmallows" asked Mathew sticking his head through the door. Roxy gave me a look that said don't you dare but come on this could be my chance to figure out what was going on. It was warm outside we didn't need a fire to keep warm, but for marshmallows nothing could be better. The sky was clear, and you could see stars shining. We all sat around the fire, the boys were in a deep conversation. Kyle and Donavan left. Shane was the only one sleeping over. Ping "Who's sending you a message now?" asked Roxy "Who else sends me messages at this time of night?" I asked with a smile. "I can only think of Ben." She answered without even having to think." Ben was what I would like to call my message buddy. We flirted with each other, but also shared things, not many guys have normal conversations these days. We haven't actually meat each other face to face, we meat on social media. I was and am to scared to meet face to face. You know how social media can be, you don't really know who it is you are talking to. You just hope they aren't some old man pretending to be in his twenties. I don't think I would take the chance of meeting, I don't want to be kidnapped or raped.

Ben = Hey sexy, what you up to?

Kelly = Hey handsome, just hanging out with some guys and roasting marshmallows. How about you?

Ben = Heading out now with the guys, Is Roxy with you?

Kelly = Where you guys going? Yeah, she is why?

Ben = To some new club that just opened up. It makes me happy to know she is with you. She takes care of you and I trust her.

Kelly = Stay safe! Are you saying you don't trust me?

Ben = I do trust you! I don't trust men!

Kelly = Who says these are men?

Before I could even read Bens reply Roxy elbowed me in the ribs. "Ouch! What was that for?" I asked looking at her, following her eyes I could see exactly what she was trying to tell me. "Who you talking to on there?" asked Shane as he started to walk towards me "No one" I said handing my phone over to Roxy knowing it would be safer with her. "It must have been someone interesting, you are smiling from ear to ear." He said as he sat down on the chair next to me. "Was it your friend Sky?" He asked as his eyes took in the sight of my body "No it was Ben" answered Roxy. I gave Roxy a look, that if looks could kill, she would be dead by now. As always Roxy gave me an innocent smile, indicating she had no idea she wasn't meant to say anything. "Oh, and who is Ben? Not a boyfriend I hope?" he asked. "Yes, he is her boyfriend." Replied Roxy "He is a really nice guy, they have been going out for almost." "Roxy! We are out of marshmallows please get us more?" I said with clenched teeth. "Behave!" said Roxy as she stood up to leave. "Where's Mathew?" I asked realizing we were alone outside. "He went to get our stash. Don't worry he will be back soon, why don't you come sit her on my lap? You look cold I will keep you warm." He said in the most charming way. I watched as his hands were rubbing a place on his legs for me to sit. "Thanks, but I'm fine here." I responded in shock. "Everything alright?" he asked looking a bit worried. "Yes, well no! What is going on? I haven't seen you since you tried to drown me and now you are hitting on me?" "Kelly that was seven years ago. Are you really holding a grudge from so long ago?" He asked, with sarcasm in his voice. "No, it's just strange." I said honestly not knowing why I wouldn't drop the subject. Then again, I think I knew why. I had a crush on Shane and Kyle at that time and the way they teased me hurt, so it was easier for me to hold a grudge and hate them than to let it go and admit I still had a crush on them "Kelly, you are really hot in that nightgown of yours." He said as he took my hand in his. My heart started beating so fast it was all I could hear, and my stomach was full of butterflies. "Do you really have a boyfriend?" he asked. "Shane, I got the stash, where are we doing this?" Asked Mathew as he came around the corner. He looked at me then Shane, then down to our hands. I tried to let go, but Shane wouldn't let my hand go. "Let's go around there." He said pointing to a corner where we would be blocked off by a bush from anyone who would come looking for us. I had no idea what stash they were talking about and I started to panic I really needed Roxy to come back now before she wouldn't see us. Almost as if she could read my mind, she came up next to me. 

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