Chapter 10

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"Have you never kissed a guy!" Alex asked Sky. She was uncomfortable, but not hurt, she knew we had now all kissed a guy but her. "I'm serious guys and I don't know what to do about it. I can't exactly walk up to a guy and say please teach me how to kiss." We were all on the floor in hysterics. The tears were rolling down my face, I couldn't breathe. I needed this, I needed to feel normal again. "Let's teach you!" said Alex excitedly. "What!" I asked a bit shocked at that comment. "Come on, we are all friends, we can't let her go out in the world like this." Responded Alex trying to make her comment seem genuine. "I guess we could if you wanted to." Said Page not sure how to approach the topic appropriately. "It's a bit weird guys, but yes, lets do it!" said Sky. We all looked at her in shock, we didn't expect a yes. "What! We have started drinking alcohol, what is a little kiss between friends right?" she said a bit uncomfortably. "Sweet, so it's your first time. Who would you like the lucky lady to be?" asked Alex, and just like that we were in hysterics again. "Are you sure you really want Page to be your first? Might end up getting her strange thinking patterns." Said Alex. "Yeah she might remind you how she kissed a guy exactly eight days before you." I said rolling my eyes. "Guys no one will know her first kiss was a girl, we all agreed on that!" said Page as she sat down next to Sky. "I feel uncomfortable with everyone watching me." Sky said looking around the room. "Well there are four of us." Said Alex. "Not helping Alex!" said Page. "Why don't I kiss Kelly while you kiss Page? That way no one will be able to look at each other." Said Alex. "That's a great idea." Said Sky seeming more comfortable than a moment ago. "I have already kissed, why can't the two of us leave them to do this on their own?" I asked as every one's eyes fell on me. "Kelly, please. What if I decided to pick you to kiss instead of Page?" said Sky seeming a bit hurt. I did not want to add more drama to my life at this point. "Fine! But just know I am doing this for you!" I said to Sky as I sat down on the bed facing Alex. "Right on the count of three guys." Said Alex. "One, two, three." We all said together and started kissing. The kissing lasted a bit longer that I thought it would. I had butterflies in my stomach, more from nerves than the feeling of wanting. "How was it?" asked Page as we stopped kissing. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Replied Sky. "You almost kiss like Luke." Said Alex suspiciously. I forgot that she has kissed Luke and bragged about how good of a kisser he was. "What do you mean?" asked Sky. "I don't know what she means, maybe Shane kisses the same as Luke." I said blushing. "Here try kiss Kelly and I will kiss Page." Said Alex. "What are you talking about?" I asked Alex. "The more practice the better." Said Page. There I was kissing Sky wondering what the hell was happing. "Swap!" shouted Page. "Right now, that everyone has kissed everyone. Who is your favourite?" asked Page "I liked kissing Kelly. She seems to know what she is doing." said Sky. "I also preferred kissing Kelly." Said Alex. "It's because I was nervous when I first kissed you Sky." Said Page in self-defence like we were saying she didn't know how to kiss. Next thing you know Page grabbed Sky and started kissing her again. As I was about to laugh, I felt Alex push me up against the cupboard and started kissing me.

"Didn't mean to interrupt anything." said Mathew. He had to walk in while we were all kissing. Why didn't we lock the door again? "We were teaching Sky how to kiss." Said Page as she put some distance between her and Sky. "Page!" shouted Sky. "What? I don't want him to think I'm into chicks." said Page defensively. "Not that there is anything wrong with that." Said Alex steering Page down. "What do you want? And you know you suppose to knock!" I said standing up walking towards the door to close it on Mathews face. "The guys wanted to know what you ladies will be up to tonight and if you want to join." Asked Alex with a big smile on his face. "Unless guys don't do it for you?" He said looking around. "We will be there!" shouted Page. "We will?" I asked looking over my shoulder back to the girls. "I'm sure it would be fun." Said Sky shrugging her shoulders. "Alex?" I asked making sure everyone would be on board. "For our last night together I'm sure it would be awesome! Are you getting alcohol?" she asked as she looked at Mathew. "Of course! See you then ladies." He said as he turned to walk away. "Mathew don't you dear say a word to anyone about what you just saw." I said before he had a chance to leave. "Wouldn't dream of it." He replied not bothering to look back.

"I wonder who will be there?" said Page as we were getting ready. "Most probably the normal crowed." I said fixing up my make-up. "I think Stan is so hot!" responded Sky. "Maybe tonight will be your first kiss with a girl and guy." Said Page as she put on her lipstick. "I can't believe you told him." Sky said looking a bit hurt. "Yeah that was so wrong Page, we agreed." I said as I went to my cupboard to look for something to wear. "Yeah Page, I'm sure he knows you're not into girls seen as he was your first." Said Alex putting on her boots. "Sorry guys, it was wrong, I just panicked." Page said as she sat down. "How do I look?" I asked trying to change the subject. I had on my skinny jeans with my favourite flat knee-high boots and a white tank top, my make-up was subtly done as always and my hair fell down in its natural waves. "You look great, and me?" asked Alex. She was in her boot leg jeans with snug black flat leather boots on and a black shirt. She wasn't one for colours or showing skin. "You look very dark as always, and me?" asked Sky. She had on a pair of boot leg jeans as well, with flat pumps and a dark read long sleeved shirt. "You look gorges ladies, but I still think skirts were the way to go." Said Page standing there in her denim skirt yellow cork shoes and a yellow tank top. "Page you will be freezing in that and you not even taking a jacket?" I asked holding up my denim jacket. "Not to mention we will be walking on grass and you will fall on your ass in those shoes." Said Alex "Girls. I need a reason for a man to hold me a keep me warm and Alex most girls like to wear shoes that aren't boots." Said Page proud of her dressing choice. "Let her go like that, otherwise we will be two hours late." I said knowing how long it takes Page to choose clothes.   

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