Chapter 5

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"Kelly are you still staying with Sky for a few days?" asked mom as she took a spoon full of soup. "Yes mom, her mom Dawn said she would drive me down to the resort where you will be and drop me off" I said as I snuck the phone back into my pocket. "Are you sure that won't be a problem? If it is I would rather you cancel with her and drive down with us." Said Dad as he stopped his conversation with Kyles dad Dylan or Uncle Dylan as we have to call him. "It won't be a problem honey" said mom addressing dad "Kelly said Dawn would be going that way" looking around I realized this became a ping pong conversation. I call it that because everyone's conversation stops, and their head follows the person talking. As always Mom is on the opposite end of the table from me. Heads going from mom to me to dad to mom, it would make you dizzy if it weren't out of natural instinct to follow conversations this way. "Yes mom, dad. They said it would be fine, but I will confirm with them tomorrow when I see them." I said smiling and looking down to take a bite of food to stop the ping pong affect. "If the plans do fall through, Kelly is more than welcome to come with us" said Uncle Dylan. "We will only be going down a week after you arrive, have to finish up some work before our holiday." "WHAT!" Roxy and I shouted together. "Sorry girls we were meant to let you know that we have asked Uncle Dylan and Aunty May to join us on our holiday. We would have told you sooner, but you were in the bathroom when this happened." Said mom trying not to turn red from our outburst. "Sorry mom it was just a bit of a surprize I didn't mean to shout like that. Thank you, Uncle Dylan, I'm sure Aunty Dawn will drive me there, she will be on holiday in the same area. I will be driving down there with her and when mom and dad arrives, she will take me to them. I really do appreciate it though." I said trying to act like this did not bother me. It didn't bother me that we had other people coming with us it was a problem that the other people were Kyle and Donavan. Conversation carried on as nothing happened after that. "You don't seem to be pleased that Kyle will be joining you on this holiday? "Shane said as he leaned in closer to me "I don't mind, its not up to me who comes and who doesn't." I said trying to act like I really wasn't upset about this arrangement. "Scared he might drown you? Maybe I should ask to come with? I can keep you safe." Said Shane as he slid his hand on my leg under the table. "I can take care of myself thanks, I have grown up since then." I said as I put my hand on his to push it away. He grabbed onto my hand and held it. There was no point of me trying to pull it away it would have been to obvious. "I have noticed that you have grown up, and I'm glad you started shaving. It's too bad you no longer think I'm hot though, maybe I can change your mind?" He asked as he winked at me. Turning red as I realized he must have been reading my messages to Sky. Surveying the table to make sure no one noticed what was going on I realized everyone was busy with their own conversation till I looked at Roxy and saw her staring at me in surprise. How was I going to explain this and to top it all off he started to rub his thumb against my skin so gently that I started to get butterflies in my stomach. What was happening!

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