Chapter 5 ☆ Dancing In The Rain

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"Y/n... Kiss me..."

Beomgyu leans forward, gazing into my eyes. I put a finger on his lips.


"I... I said you were heavy," he says emotionlessly before he drops me on the ground.

"Ugh. Am not. You're just so weak. Let's go." I say while walking ahead.

We get inside the cafe and sit down. I order cookies and a strawberry/chocolate milkshake while Beomgyu orders a chocolate latte.

"What are we going to do about that assignment?" I ask.

"I've given up," he replies.

"What?! You are not giving up!"

He sighs while looking out of the window. "I guess I can't. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

I look to my right to see the waitress walking over with our order. She hands Beomgyu his latte and she sets the cookies down in the middle of the table and she is about to hand my milkshake to me but she suddenly drops it on the table and it splashes all over me.

"Oh no! I am so sorry ma'am! Sir, does your girlfriend have an extra change of clothes or something?" she says.

"Girlfriend?" Beomgyu repeats.

"Uh, no, no, he isn't my boyfriend. We are just working on a school assignment together." I say.

"Ah, my apologies. You two just look so cute together. Since our machine is down, I will give you this." she says while handing me a card for some free stuff.

"Thank you," I reply before we get up and leave.

Beomgyu and I have just left the cafe when I feel raindrops on my head. I look up to see the clouds and rain falling. Beomgyu puts his hoodie up and I just sit there and stare at him.

I am wearing a white button-up long sleeve shirt tucked into a short black skirt with white socks and black shoes.

He looks at my outfit and just laughs. "Haha! You don't have an umbrella OR a jacket! You're gonna get soaked."

I fold my arms. "Hmph. You should be a gentleman and give me a jacket." I groan.

"Nah," he replies before we start walking in the rain once again.

After a few minutes of walking, Beomgyu turns to me and looks at my outfit. "You can come to my house. It's closer." he sighs.

We turn the corner and he starts running. "HEY! Come back! I don't know where your house is!" I shout at him.

He keeps running until he gets in front of a two-story, white house. He turns around to face me. "Run!!" he yells.

Beomgyu POV:

"Run!!" I yell.

Y/n just stares at me for a moment before shaking her head and running towards me.

Her wet hair blowing in the wind, the raindrops on her face and neck, her white shirt, covered in water, making it almost see-through. I just stare at her in awe until she runs to me and punches me in the shoulder.
It didn't hurt because she punches lightly.

Y/n POV:

I punch Beomgyu in the shoulder and he just laughs. "You punch like a mouse."

"Ugh. Just let me go inside, please..."

"Whatever you do, DO NOT interact with my family. They're... Different." he says.

I nod before he opens the door. We walk inside and past the kitchen. Suddenly, a voice emerges from the room.

"Gyu-Bear, come in here, please!" a female voice says cheerfully.

He turns to me and points to the ground before walking into the kitchen.

"Bring your friend," she says.

I peek my head around the corner to see a tall, black-haired lady smiling at me. "Hello, dear. What's your name?" she asks.

"Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Choi." I reply.

"Are you my son's girlfriend?" she asks.

"Uhh, no we just-"

"Girlfriend!? My boy can't get a girlfriend so poor as her. She looks homeless!" a man yells.

Beomgyu slaps himself on the forehead as an older man approaches him and puts his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"What business do you have dating my boy?" he asks me rudely.

"Well, now I know where he gets the attitude. But I assure you we aren't dating. We have a school assignment together." I say.

"And? You could be lying," he growls.

"I am not! Excuse me, sir, but you have no authority accusing me of things I haven't done. You have no proof! Now if you'll excuse us, we are going to do our homework now!" I say angrily before grabbing Beomgyu's wrist and pulling him upstairs.

He walks into his room and locks it behind me before he falls onto his bed. I hear what I think are either sobs or words.

"Are you crying..?" I ask.

He mumbles something before lifting his face. "No."

"Oh. Well, your dad seems nice."

"Nicest guy ever." he chuckles.

Suddenly, I feel something dripping down my leg. I look down to see water falling from my outfit to the floor.

"Do you have a shirt I could borrow?" I ask.

"My mom has some old clothes you can borrow," he says before leaving the room. I stand by his bed and wait. Suddenly, something interesting catches my eye.

A/n: I said I'd make up for the last chapter being short and I did. I hope you liked it, bye lovelies!

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