Chapter 6 : The Beginning of an End

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Key Words
(Y/n) = Your name
(E/c) = Eye color
(S/c) = Skin color
(H/c) = Hair color

        The mansion is surrounded by flames. Speedwagon and (Y/n) gets up and looks at the mansion. The rain pour as the two look up. "Mister Joestar...You..." Speedwagon gasped, "You can't be...You mustn't!" (Y/n) look at the male next to her. Her eyes widen in realization. She quickly look up at the mansion.

        Speedwagon looks at her knowing that she'll try to get inside. He grabbed her arm as she try to run. "Jonathan!" (Y/n) screamed as she struggles. Feeling desperate that she couldn't go. "Madam (Y/n) please! You'll get yourself killed if you enter!" "It doesn't matter to me! I won't die until I know that Jonathan is safe and alive!" She cried out. "Jonathan!"

        (Y/n)'s cries reach to Jonathan's ears as he turn his head slightly to the direction. He then looked forward, hearing something. 'Here he comes!' Jonathan look ahead. Then out of nowhere, Dio comes out breaking the ceiling. "Wrryy!" Dio screams out. Quickly, Jonathan takes out the spear out of his shoulder. He blocked Dio's kick with the spear.

        "Weakling." Dio mocked the blue hair male. In that moment, JoJo's youth flashed before his eyes. To the day of (Y/n) arrival in the Joestar mansion when they were seven, when Dio arrived when they were twelve, the day he spend with Erina, when he and Dio fought, when he and (Y/n) cry into each other's arms mourning for Danny, Dio and him won the Rugby match and when Dio turned himself into a monster. Jonathan landed on the roof tiles. His mouth bleed from the impact.

        "My youth was spent with you, Dio! And now we'll settle everything!" Jonathan yelled at Dio. Speedwagon and (Y/n) stared at Jonathan. "Mister Joestar's trying to fan the flames....Trying to defeat Dio by pitching him into and inferno even he can't regenerate from! He drew Dio to the roof to let the fire build through the mansion!" Jonathan began to jump. "Stop!" Speedwagon and (Y/n) cried out to Jonathan as pushed his own body to Dio inside the building.

        "Damn you!" Dio shouted, 'The Joestar mansion, home of my forebears, burns...Father is dead....(Y/n) is all I have left. I'm sorry...(Y/n).' He looked up at Dio. "I'll burn my life away too! But in exchange, Dio! I will seal you away!" As the keep falling, Dio smile and knee kicked Jonathan. Causing him to fall. His arm went through the wall. "Goodbye, JoJo!" Jonathan screams as he fall.

        "You surprised me for a moment! Tears of joy over dying alongside your father? Fool!" Dio insulted Jonathan as he watch him disappear into the flames.

        'I've transcended humanity! I'm immortal! I will live forever! I can rule this world! And you gave it all to me, JoJo! Now, I just need to get (Y/n) to get her on my side.' His smile grew wildly of thinking (Y/n) as his wife and ruling the world with him.

        Jonathan scream as he kept on falling. He noticed the spear falling besides him. He grabbed the spear and stabbed it into the wall. He began to lift his body up. He landed on the spear and jump again. He reach his arm out to Dio's foot but soon fall. "No!" He screamed as he take off his belt.

        He threw his belt as it wrapped around Dio's foot. "Huh?!" Dio looked down in disbelief. "I'm back, Dio!" Jonathan yelled. He began to pull the belt.

        "What?! You-" seeing Jonathan caught him off guard as he falls down. The two men falls down, "I won't let go this time, Dio! Your luck's run out!" Then, Jonathan pulled out a knife. "This knife! You stabbed Father with this knife!" He began to let out a battle cry as he stabbed Dio. He dug the knife deeper, "Wrrryyyy!" Dio screams out in pain. Dio then try to push Jonathan away. 'What?! Even though I smashed his arms...Even though he's burning he hasn't weakened at all!' Dio started to smirk, "Very well! Let us fall into the flames together! But only you will die! Now matter how hot they burn, I have the power to escape!" Dio spoke as they kept falling.

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