24 - Impatience & Creations

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Some Weeks Later:

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Some Weeks Later:

"DUDE, WE'VE been past this corner like, fifteen times. Admit it. You have no idea where we're going."

Aaron huffed, shooting Fabian an irked look as the four of them continued to scour the city in search of what they were looking for, which in this case, was a new record store. It was barely noon yet and they were already feeling considerably grumpy. Alec, ever the optimist, gave Aaron an encouraging pat on the back. "Don't worry, I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

"See? Travers believes in me," Aaron muttered as he took them through another abandoned alleyway, while Fabian rolled his eyes.

"Yeah? Well that's just because Travers is a suck-up."

"Am not--"

"Are too--"

"Am not--"

Julia pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation, sighing. Couldn't these boys last five minutes without having a go at each other?

She abruptly put their argument to a stop, clearing her throat and causing them all to look at her. "Alright, we've been looking around for two hours and we still can't find it." She then mumbled out, "maybe it's just Aaron's terrible navigating skills--" (at this, she earned an indignant protest from him which she ignored), "or maybe we're just not meant to find that store in the first place." She pointed ahead at something, shrugging. "Look, there's a bakery. I don't know about you three, but I'm starving. We should -- I'll just grab something and head on back." She sighed. They shouldn't have left Noah (Aaron's younger brother) alone in the first place.

The boys contemplated her suggestion, realizing soon after that she had a point. They boys had practice, and Julia had last-minute backstage duties for the play. What were they thinking wandering around town while Noah was alone waiting for his brother to arrive at home so they could go in together? The boy wasn't feeling well, after all.

"Good plan, Lia," Aaron agreed, as the other two dutifully nodded. "Let's go."

She headed towards the door of the bakery and pushed it open, the sound of bells jangling and the three of them followed behind her. As soon as they pushed open the doors, they were enveloped with the tantalizing, comforting scent of hot cocoa and warm pastries. The boys' crankiness instantly dissipated as they wandered around the store, taste-testing the samples and inhaling in the delicious smell of freshly baked goods.

Nothing could lift their spirits like food.

Aaron grinned, licking his lips as he'd just finished sampling a jam-filled croissant. He turned to offer one to Julia, seeing as it was strawberry, her favorite flavor. "You should really try--"

He stopped short, his eyes reluctantly narrowing.

Julia, unaware of Aaron's gaze burning into her back, laughed quietly as the boy behind the counter told her another joke. Though he didn't have a name that she or he knew yet, he was still pretty damn attractive. Sandy blonde hair, tanned skin, and a blinding smile. Plus, he had a great sense of humor. She wasn't interested, but she didn't mind having a little friendly conversation. No harm, right?

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