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✠ ━━━━━━┛ Preview ┗━━━━━━ ✠

    The girl continuously whipped out her phone from her pocket, looking at the small black object as if it would change her life, and in a way it could. Her blue eyes projected her anxiety like hesitant storm clouds that seemed uncertain on whether they should continue to move about or cast a downpour. She decided on the former, her eyes moving from her phone to the door. She was expecting someone important, she just was not sure who would enter through those crystal clear doors.
    "Miss, can I get you anything?" A young waitress asked her, zapping her back to reality and grounding her ever so slightly.
    "A water is fine." The girl replied yet the last thing on her mind was eating or drinking anything. Ironic, because she fund herself in a small coffee shop.
    The waitress nodded before heading off, her blond ponytail swishing like dandelions in the wind and reminding the girl of someone else who she would rather not see here. Not yet at least.
The bell chimed, notifying the employees and customers of another presence in the small coffee shop. He was tall, with hair so dark it reminded the girl of unbreakable darkness.
    "Hi." He said as his thin lips carved into a smile that brightened his usual somber expression. She knew that she should mirror that same smile, that she should feel as if she were floating yet she felt like she was sinking into a deep river of guilt and shame.
    "Hello." The girl responded, although when the boy did not see his own smile reciprocated onto her soft face, his disappeared. "I wanted to tell you..." The girl trailed off. How could she do this? She was making a big mistake! Her heart began to beat with the wings of migrating birds, ready to travel to a place full of warmth and comforting promises and escape a place of cold secrets. Yet she stayed grounded as if pulled down by a weight that only her words could unlock. The boy could tell that something was wrong for normally stoic hazel eyes grew golden with concern. He placed one rough hand on hers. "You can tell me anything, my love." He told her, his voice meaning to sound as assuring as a warm meal yet sounded like cold leftovers to her ears.
    That damned word. He loved her, she knew.
    Yet when she saw the girl with emeralds for eyes and bouncing brown curls on her head at the door. Her gentle eyes flashing with anger before running off, the girl with the boy knew what she had to do.
    "I can't do this anymore." She told the handsome boy in front of her before slipping out of her chair and running after the girl with emerald eyes.
    "What do you want from me?! You told me you would break up with him already!" Her emerald eyes were full of tears that cascaded down her cheeks like waterfalls. The girl who had been with the boy felt those tears drop onto her hands like a waterfall as she cupped the other girl's cheeks.
    "I know and I-"
    "You promised T! You promised me!" The girl cried harder, her lower lip quivering like a young child who had done something wrong and was about to face the consequences. Yet the girl called T was the one facing the consequences of her own poor actions.
    "I did it. I love you Cakes. Not him. I Love you." That damned word again. Yet this time, T knew who she loved. It wasn't the handsome of back in the coffee shop who was safe and predictable. T didn't want safety and predictability. She craved adventure and freedom. She wanted to face head on what the world had in store for her, to be able to have genuine feelings for those she surrounded herself with and not be the person she was always told do be. She wasnt a robot programmed to accomplish specific tasks, she was a person with feelings, with her own wants and needs. The girl in front f her was her own need. Someone who she truly cared about. Someone who gave her the freedom to be her. Before the emerald green eyed girl could utter another word, T kissed her as if she had never kissed anyone else before. In truth, she hadn't. This kiss was alive, filled not just with passion but genuine love and curiosity. T's heart beat faster as she felt the soft salted lips of the other girl kissed her back. In that moment, time stopped. T didn't hear the cars driving by in the background, or the passerby's on their phones or talking to one another. No, in that moment it was just her and the girl who would set her free.

 No, in that moment it was just her and the girl who would set her free

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