The Smell of Blood

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!Warning! Extreme Self-harm 0-0

Hinata's pov

The light momentarily blinded me right before someone shoved me, I fell backwards blinking to clear my vision. The roaring in my ears faded as my eyes finally adjusted though I wish they hadn't. Kenma was gasping and sobbing into Kuroo's chest as he hugged him, my eyes went to his face and I froze "What the hell where you doing?!" I flinched "I-I-" I started to tremble as the horror of what I did set in "You could have fucking killed him! Are you insane!?" Tears where building in my eyes as I tried to speak "I'm sorry- I didn't-' he stood up and helped Kenma to his feet before walking out of the room "disgusting." Those words hit me like a slap as he looked over his shoulder. His eyes cold before walking away. I lifted a trembling hand in front of me before doubling over and vomiting. Tears dripped from wide empty eyes as one thought filled my head.

(Kinda like this)I'm disgusting

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(Kinda like this)
I'm disgusting. I stood up. disgusting. I stumbled over to my bedside table. disgusting. I pulled out a bag. disgusting. I put my hand inside. disgusting. The light glinted on the sharp blade. disgusting. I raised it with both my hands, the blade aimed inwards As my thoughts became blurred.Disgustingdisgustingdisgustingdisgustingdisgustingdisgustingdisgustingdisgustingdisgusting-Oh. Time stood still as I looked down. the knife slowly slid out of my hands to the floor "ow" The word slipped out right before the blood did. Time unfroze as agony coursed through me, My hand was at my mouth as I coughed, I looked at it and saw it had blood on it.

(Kinda like this but he's standing up)

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(Kinda like this but he's standing up)

Well thats not good. I thought right before I collapsed. blood oozed from my stomach and pooled around me as sound faded and my vision went dark. The last thing I was aware of was the overwhelming smell of blood.

Kuroo's pov

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Kuroo's pov

I had been shocked at the sight of Hinata choking Kenma and those words had slipped out before I could think, now as I walked away the feeling of dread plagued me, something was wrong. "Take Kenma to the infirmary" I ordered the first person I saw "Wha- omigosh your throat" Yachi-san looked confused then shocked as she hurriedly let Kenma lean on her "what happened..." She turned but Kuroo was gone.

I ran down the corridor as the dread grew stronger and stronger, I reached Hinata's room and took a deep breath before retching slightly as the coppery smell swamped my senses. I ran into the room then froze, horror filled me as I looked down at the boy lying in a puddle of his own blood. "HINATA!" I yelled collapsing down on my knees and cradling his limp form, there was so much blood. I panicked as I found the source, there was a wound in his stomach. I tried to stop the flow of blood with my hand before looking up, I heard chattering voices coming down the hall "HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could, the voices -filled with concern now- and the pounding of feet reached the room and Daichi, Sugawara, Nishinoya, Asahi and Tanaka stood at the doors, horror filled their faces and Nishinoya collapsed to his knee's "H-Hinata!" Daichi shouted then quickly turned to Sugawara "Get the coaches NOW!" Sugawara took off running as Asahi called a ambulance, Tanaka bolted into the room, tore off his shirt and pressed it to the wound. Nishinoya  had gotten up from his knee's and was near Hinata's head, sobbing and calling his name, suddenly the Coaches and paramedics turned up and all hell broke loose, they quickly took control and got him on a stretcher and wrapped bandages around his stomach, orders where being shouted as they started running the stretcher to the ambulance outside and loading him in, Coach Ukai hopped in too and they slammed the doors shut before driving off. I stood there for a bit along with everyone from the horrified Karasuno team and shocked Nekoma team. Before turning around and running back to the room, I searched for a second then found it. A knife covered in blood. Tears trickled down my face as guilt filled me.

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