Saving Grace

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One Week Ago

The Scions Of The Seventh Dawn were branded as heroes. Lights in the dark for all of Eorzea and praised as though we were the twelve themselves. After the subsequent defeat of the Garlean Empire, Myself, Thancred, Y'shtola, Yda, Papalymo, Urianger, Alphinaud, and Minfilia….we were the heart and soul of the Scions. The inner circle within the circle that paved the way for what we once were. But as soon as our dreams had been realized, they came crashing down just as fast. The Crystal Braves, they...they were a contingency group made by Alphinaud with the selfsame goal as the Scions; the irrefutable salvation of Eorzea. However, they, and many others beside them had other plans. Plans to go against us for one man's dream, one man's purpose that wasn't too far off from our own. One man's hope of taking back Ala Mhigo. This man's name is Ilberd. And he's the one that turned fate itself against us. It all started with the poisoning and murder of Nanamo Ul Namo. From Sultanate of Ul'dah to corpse on the carpet at what they all said to be my hand….By my doing.

"The fabled Warrior Of Light turned murderer of the Sultana. Hero turned villain. Light turned to Darkness. It's a poet's story, really, and one that I'm sure you and your Scion friends will be ecstatic to hear the end of."

As she was thrown to the ground of the banquet hall, Dariya looked on as her comrades and friends were restrained by members of the Crystal Braves. Above her stood Ilberd himself, his dark blue eyes and greyish-white hair almost shining with the fire in Dariya's own gaze. The Crystal Braves were only made possible by Alphinaud Leveilleur, who was simply following in his grandfather's wishes for the salvation of this very star. However, as Alphinaud entered the banquet hall with his hands up and a blade to his neck, his eyes met Dariya's as she gave him a look of pure rancor. As far as she was concerned, this was his fault. All of this was his fault.

"Ilberd, you bastard! What is the meaning of this!?"

A gruff and low voice would call out to him as the leader of the Braves turned to face its owner. It was none other than Raubahn Aldynn, leader of Ul'dah's Immortal Flames and the man who swore his sword to Nanamo's side.

"You still haven't realized it, Eh? This is all for Ala Mhigo! Everything I've ever done has been for Ala Mhigo! This was never about the Scions, or the Braves, or for some bollock salvation of Eorzea. It's all been for taking back our homeland! I know you understand….brother."

Raubahn grit his teeth at the man before him, putting both hands on the hilts of his sheathed swords. It was true that for a time, Raubahn and Ilberd saw each other as brothers. They would fight and die for Ala Mhigo, or fight and die for Ul'dah in its stead. It had been moons upon moons since Raubahn last saw him, and to see Ilberd again as not a brother but an made Raubahn wonder if it was worth fighting for Ul'dah in the first place. 

"Do not coddle me as if I am still your kin! You turned your back on all of Eorzea, and for what!? Salvation!? Freedom!? This will not bring freedom to Ala Mhigo, this will only bring that same hatred and fire that the Garleans brought onto our homeland! You must understand, this is-"

Before Raubahn could finish his tangent, Y'shtola put a hand on his chest and pushed the general back. She stepped forward and faced Ilberd with balled fists and a reddened face. Needless to say, she was pissed off.

"Excuse me, general. With all due respect, words will not see through this shell of a man. You know what we must do."

"Rhul, what do you intend to-"

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