Recollection Of The Fall

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Edmont took the time to consider everything Dariya had spoken, coming to terms with the situation that befell Eorzea's former heroes. As it stood, the Scions were scattered and Ul'dah had fallen, with Ishgard being the only place of refuge that the banquets survivors could seek out. That's when Alphinaud spoke up and decided to shed some light on the events that lead to the banquet in the first place. Specifically on the Garlean Empire.

"And that was how it happened…..Me and Alphinaud ended up in Ishgard at the behest of Cid, found Tataru, and made for House Fortemps through a recommendation from Haurchefaunt. Meanwhile, Thancred and Y'shtola forged their own path towards wherever they are now, and now we're here. To reclaim the lives that we lost. For ourselves, for Eorzea, and for Minfilia."

After Dariya had taken the time to recount what brought herself, Tataru, and Alphinaud to Ishgard, the Academician Scholar spoke up himself in following. 

"In the beginning, what prompted the attack on the Garleans 
was the works of a man named Gaius Van Baelsar. He struck when no one else in the Empire had the gall too, and this resulted in such events as the temporary capture of the Scions under his order and the return of Cid, who had supposedly gone missing five years prior. That's when I promptly made it my mission to coordinate Operation Archon, a full scale attack on the Empire which would see their reign on Eorzea halted. Despite certain….complications regarding one of our members, Thancred, the operation was a success and the Empire's grip on the main 
parts of Eorzea were severed. The banquet was meant to celebrate the exact victory we helped to bring about, but….you know how the story goes."

Edmont nodded to Alphinaud and turned his attention back to Dariya, who had her hand on her neck and her gaze face downwards. She thought of Minfilia's kiss and those three words, along with the mental promise she made to set things right. The promise she didn't know if she could keep. As of now, she was no Warrior Of Light. She was just another adventurer like she told Alphinaud. One that got lucky to be blessed by Hydaelyn. That's all she was. Lucky.

"Now that we have been briefed on the reasons you and yours have arrived at Haurchefont's behest, I suppose now is a better time than never to explore the outskirts of Ishgard. Towards the north lies Falcons Nest, where Ishgards Temple Knights reside in full force over the cold wasteland loomed over by the Dusk Vigil. By the south lies Camp Cloudtop, a set of floating islands being spearheaded by the Temple Knights 2nd contingent. As my son Emmanellain isn't present, it would be best if his brother Artoriel lead you all to Falcons Nest for a briefing there on any Dravanian activity. You lot know of the war Ishgard has been locked in with the dragons of Dravania, correct?"

Edmont spoke as all three of the new prospects in front of him nodded, Cyprus deciding to respond with crossed arms over his chest.

"All too well. However, I'd like to think that we've seen more than enough exposition for now. Should you suppose we wait for Artoriel to wake up and take us, my lord?" Cyprus asked.

"Precisely." Edmont responded.

12th Sun 
Second Astral Moon 
5:26 PM
Mor Dhona 

"Pray give me time to collect my thoughts and set this straight."

As Haurchefont thought to himself of what to make of Cid's explanation of the Crystal Tower, the chieftain of Garlond Ironworks was hammering away at a device he thought could get them through the Eight Sentinels and into the Crystal Tower. There hadn't been much progress since the excavation of the tower itself started, and being on the frontlines of the operation to get inside took a toll on Cid's mind. A part of him wanted to tell Biggs and Wedge that the operation was called off just so he could get some rest, but he knew his limits, and this wasn't it. He had flown the Warrior Of Light herself through thick and thin to face ungodly threats such as the wind Primal Garuda or the heart of the Garlean Empire itself. Cid Garlond wouldn't stop at some measly tower, no matter how tall or how confusing! He was the chief for a reason, and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty if it meant answers to the questions that the Crystal Tower's very existence raised. He screwed in a bolt there, hammered down a nail here, and was finally done with the newest invention at his own hand. 

"Here we are...Haurchefont, if you will?"

The heir to House Fortemps blinked his eyes opened and gave Garlond a smile, walking over to the man and looking down at what he built. It was the same model and design as a
communications jammer he used against the Empire some time ago, but was built with a completely different function in mind.

"And what do I make of this, pray tell?"

Haurchefont asked as Cid took the contraption and put it on the ground in front of the Eight Sentinels. 

"This bad boy can convert pure energy into Aether, and fire it out as a projectile to pierce right through certain surfaces. One particular surface being this invisible barrier in our way. If we can somehow extract energy from this barrier in tune with the machine, then we can use it to fire the energy right back and get ourselves inside!"

Haurchefont took some time to consider what Cid proposed. He knew little and less about invisible barriers and aetheric conversion, but to him, the idea at least sounded plausible enough to work. So, with a nod, Haurchefont gave Cid a pat on the back.

"As someone who isn't well versed in the intricacies of Aether and machines, I must say, this is probably your least complicated invention yet!"

Cid responded with a grin which made Haurchefont chuckle, taking his hand off Cid's back and crossing his arms. The engineer gave his newest  creation a look of hope, wondering if this was just crazy enough to work. 

"Before trying anything, It will need a name…..Ah! The AEC. The Aetheric Energy Converter."

Cid nodded at the newly named creation before punching his palm, fired up at the thought of opening the Tower and figuring out just what it was that Revenant's Toll contracted him and his own for. And with someone like Lord Haurchefont Greystone by his side, nothing could stand in the way of him and Ironworks discovering what could be a realm-shaking discovery. 

That's when he heard a voice he'd prefer to never hear again.

"Saying it has been a spell would be an understatement, Garlond."


From behind the Ironworks engineer and knight of the royal house came along Nero Tol Scaeva. He was the person that Wedge had a feeling was watching them, and it turned out that Wedge's suspicions couldn't be anymore detrimental. Nero and Cid grew up in an academy under Garlean rule many years ago, but Nero was always outshined by Garlond because of his upbringing and natural talents. So, when the operation to take down the Empire struck, Nero was thought to be gone for good. Until now.

"What manner of reason would you have to be here!? Be my guest and stake your claim, but I am sure that whatever you speak will grant me nothing but more and more reason to dismiss you from this place."

Cid turned to face Nero and grit his teeth in anger, obviously seething at the idea that the person who stabbed him in the back during the fall of Castrum Meridianum would arrive as if he didn't have a plan. Cid knew Nero all too well.

"Well, if you must be so nasty about it, I suppose getting to the point is in your best interest. Frankly, there shall be no need for that pitiful excuse of technology in this endeavor, dear Garlond, for i have a much more efficient way of entering the Crystal Tower."

Nero would speak with the utmost confidence, earning a low growl from Cid and a raised eyebrow from Haurchefont. 

"Well? What is it?" The knight asked.

"Something that you may be all the more familiar with, my lord. Pray, do you know of the commodity of white auracite?"

"Hmm….sadly, I do not. Prithee will you-"

"But we do."

From behind Nero, two new faces showed up at the same time as he. These two were members of the excavation team contracted alongside Ironworks to open the Crystal Tower. One a Miqo'te and one a Roegadyn, they both were ready and willing to hear out what Nero said in earnest. These two were none other than G'raha Tia and Rammbroes. Nero groaned in annoyance. 

"Ugh...can't I just have at least one moment?"

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