Shifting Tides

10 0 0

13th Sun
Second Astral Moon
10:24 PM
Eight Sentinels

As the gates that led into the Eight Sentinels opened, G'raha Tia didn't even take a moment to think before making a mad dash towards the base of the Crystal Tower. He came across Cid still working on the Aetheric Energy Converter and couldn't help but notice the look of fear in his eyes. He had seen the explosion of Revenant's Toll firsthand, and the sight of the fires rising towards the skyline brought back memories he would much rather keep repressed. G'raha was treated to a hug from Biggs and Wedge upon entering the area, and noticed that beside Cid stood Haurchefant and Krile. He didn't recognize Haurchefant as he wasn't well versed in Ishgardian history, but could feel a warm smile grow onto his face as he saw a fellow Sharlayan in the Lalafell before him. All three of them had come to Cid's side to find a way to avert this crisis, but the man was doing a lot worse for wear by the look of things.

"Good, you're here. D-do you have the auracite? Getting into the tower is the only way we c-could-"

Cid was stuttering, bad, and his hands were seen beginning to visibly shiver as he fumbled with the last bit of wiring required to power the AEC. G'raha made an effort to crouch in front of him and hold his hands, softly rubbing their backs with his thumbs as he looked the shaking engineer in the eye. Cid looked back with tear brimmed white eyes, having not felt this terrible and distraught since...since...

"Cid? Cid! look at me, please. We're all still here. We need you now more than ever, so stay with us."

G'raha made an attempt to reassure the man with a noticeable tinge of worry in his tone, looking towards Biggs and Wedge before tossing a piece of auracite at the former. He wasn't able to acquire the last piece he needed thanks to Alenka, so he gave Biggs what he had and let the ball roll. They had no time to assess. They needed to get into that tower. now. After the exchange of auracite however, Haurchefant took a few steps past G'raha Tia and Cid, his eyes shifting to gaze towards Krile as he walked.

"I will return to Revenant's Toll and see if there are anymore civilians who need saving. I'm sure that NOAH can handle it from here."

"NOAH, with the company of yet another great mind at their disposal, perhaps."

Then to the scene came none other than Nero, who had left Mor Dhona some time after G'raha Tia to find the last piece of auracite himself. He not only wanted to one up Cid, but wanted to show just how much more useful he was than G'raha by one upping the Miqo'te archon as well. He tossed not one, but two pieces of white auracite at Wedge who caught them in both hands, looking up towards his Roegadyn partner and trading nods between the two of them.

"Looks as if the world's greatest engineer has made an impact for the better yet again.

"Oh, how nice of you to talk about Cid like that, Nero."

"Shut it, catboy. You simply underestimate my intellectual prowess."

"Well, let's hope that that "prowess" of yours can help us live through this."

As Nero and G'raha Tia traded remarks once more, Krile tapped the shoulder of the Allagan boy and made an effort to look the least bit fearless. In reality, Krile was terrified of the current situation, but couldn't show it when they needed as much help as they could get. She at least had to attempt to seem unwavered.

"I will join Haurchefant in his efforts and leave you lot to your expertise. Please, open that tower. Find out why this is happening."

Krile shot a determined nod towards the way of G'raha Tia before she made off after the already departed knight. A part of the Miqo'te was tempted to follow, but he knew that in a situation like this, everyone had a role to fill, and that role wasn't in the flames, saving the lives of others and holding himself back. His role stood at the front, alongside the greatest engineer that Eorzea's ever seen. And he'd fill that role no matter the cost.

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