Questions Within Answers

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"You really want to help me clear my name? You're dumber than I thought."

Eniro would shrug off Cyprus's offer as soon as he made it, much to the dismay of the Au Ra in question. The Lalafell pulled the hoodie of his brown cloak over his head before shoving his hands in the cloaks pockets. He wouldn't break eye contact with Cyprus during this small process, which made him slightly uncomfortable.

"Look, dragonboy. People like me aren't supposed to get second chances. We're dealt a bad hand by fate and have to live with it. Can I do anything about it? No! And neither can you. So I'd recommend stepping off before you do something you'll regret."

Eniro spoke bluntly and from the heart, truly hoping that Cyprus was at least competent and decided against helping him. However, as the Lalafell guessed, this wouldn't be the case.

"You and me are one in the same. I lost hope once like you. I'm from Ala Mhigo, If you haven't guessed, and people from there are treated like dogs for just being who they are. The empire tried expanding, they tried advancing their forces across the entire realm and this caused Ala Mhigo to fall under its radar as a candidate. So no, I'm not stepping off, because I can sure as hell bet that I'm the only person who gets you."

"Nobody gets me."

"You don't know that! So just, please....Give me a chance to help you."

Cyprus walked closer to Eniro with a pleading expression. He knew his pain and suffering all too well, and would give anything to keep the people he cared about from going through what he went through. Eniro took some time to think about this but eventually caved. If Cyprus really thought he had a chance, then Eniro would let him take it.

"Okay, fine. You want to play hero? Then be my guest."

Eniro was getting physically angrier the more and more Cyprus spoke, which showed in the way his eyebrows began to furrow and his teeth began to bare.

"Just know that from now on, everything is on you. If this doesn't work out, Then consider the writing already on the wall.

Eniro made sure that Cyprus understood the weight of trying to help a killer, That trying to help clear the name of someone who's been scribed in blood would come with irreversible repercussions. However, Cyprus was determined to help him find a new purpose in life past the one that fate wrongly granted him. And luckily, he knew exactly where to start.

"I'm not afraid of the risks that will come with it, But I alone can't clear the name of a killer. However, I know some people who can....Ever heard of House Fortemps?"

"What, You mean the highborns down this alleyway?"

Cyprus nodded and stood back up, making a stride out of the alleyway and up the stairs that lead to House Fortemps. Eniro simply adjusted his cloak and followed, trusting the Au Ra but wondering what exactly he was getting himself into.

12th Sun
Second Astral Moon
3:33 PM
Mor Dhona

Cid, Biggs, and Wedge all awaited the envoy that would be joining them at the Crystal Tower. Cid watched as the tower gave off a radiant blue glow and the white lights from the inside shot through the towers surface. It was an astonishing sight, but one with much uncovered history that Cid meant to find out the true meaning of. Biggs and Wedge were keeping watch for stragglers or any kind of intruders upon their project, to which Cid would inform them soon enough wouldn't be necessary. The Crystal Tower was a massive Allagan structure that served as a stepping stone for the entire races advancement. It was hidden away during the Sixth Umbral Calamity before being uncovered by archeologists and scientists many moons before Cid had even been born. Now, it was his turn to find out what the empire that thrived on technology and royalty had left behind for Garlond Ironworks to resurface themselves.

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