Shell Of A Man

22 2 0

3rd Sun
Fifth Umbral Moon
8:12 PM
Limsa Lominsa

Two years ago, when I was still allowed on Eorzean soil and a respected member of the Rogue's Guild. I was naive and impatient with no real direction in my life except for what was in front of me. I thought I was invincible, and that mindset brought me to that day. The day when me and the people I called my family were sent to deal with the Bloody Executioners...The day I lost everything.


A gunshot rang through all of Limsa Lominsa, one that could be recognized by any pure- blooded lass on its soil. The firing of a musket, followed up by a scream. On the upper decks is where it rang the hardest, a sign of something going wrong with the mission. Rogues of many kinds sulked in the darkmans of Limsa, and one of a particular order were sent on a whim to save it-An operation covered up with a jewel of high value. The Black Sarcophagus. the highest class members of the Rogue's Guild-Jacke, V'kebbe, Perimu Harimu, And Eniro-All at the same place with the same goal; Cloying the Sarcophagus and fitting the ones who stole it for a new coffin.

"Slowin' down 'er will get us killed! Don't be an idiot!"

"What do ye think I'm doin', Jacke!?"

Two rogues conversed in the middle of a fight, both of them up against axe wielding members of the Executioners. One of these rogues was a Lalafell, Dark skinned and clad in green and pirate's clothing. The other was a Hyur, Pale skinned with green pirate gear alongside. Both used short daggers, sillver steeled and hilted with a strap leading to their wrists so they wouldn't lose their grip. The Lalafell ducked a swing going right from the Executioner he fought, jumping up with a slice of his dagger straight to the chin. He spun in the air and threw a third dagger into the Executioner's throat before landing and looking towards his partner Jacke. Jacke caught an overhead swing from the second Executioner and kicked him in the stomach, slicing the cur across the face afterwards and stabbing him right in the eye. Perimu spun around and sunk his dagger right into the poor sods heart, both Executioner's dealt with and the path leading to the lower decks now clear. All that needed to happen was the locating and killing of Aisibhir, the leader of the Bloody Executioners and the person holding onto the Black Sarcophagus.

"Now then, I'd appreciate if ye caught up with Eniro and The Stray. More o' them sods are comin' and I don't want me best mates throats gettin' cut at me own expense."

Jacke ordered to Perimu who ran his way to the bottom of Limsa's lower deck. All was going according to plan, but Eniro and V'kebbe were nowhere to be found during the fighting above. That's when Perimu saw a sight that made his heart stop. Milala-the leader of Limsa Lominsa's fabled Yellowjackets-on the ground in a shambled mess of cuts and bruises. And next to her stood Eniro, who's weapons were out and his expression as confused as his partner before him.

"E-Eniro...Mate, Did ye..."

"No! Perimu, I-I didn't do this! An Executioner got here afore me, T-this wasn't my doing! I-"

Perimu began to think. Eniro was the only person there, and the bruises on Milala were small enough to be considered dagger cuts. He only had 10 minutes to make a decision, and it was one he didn't want to make. Running our of time and out of energy, Perimu came to a conclusion that he didn't want to believe, but had no options too otherwise. The Lalafell rogue grabbed his daggers and shakily unsheathed them from his belt. Nobody was around besides Eniro, Milala, And the person Eniro thought was his brother.

"Please...Perimu, you have to believe me. I..."

"Ye broke the bloody code, that's what ye did. Gone ahead and sunk your stabber right into the heart of our problem. You went ahead and spilled the blood of someone who need not have their blood spilled...Why?"

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