papyrus first smoke

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His older brother had layed eyes upon the millions of cuts of his younger brother arms and legs.

''w-what...the on y-your arms papyrus!'' 

Oh now you've done it-

''I-its no-nothing! I-i do-don't even kn-know how th-they got th-there!''

Sans looked at papyrus with his empty eye sockets ''p-paps. P-please...don't te me''

''There aren't! I s-swear!''

''P-paps...'' San opened his arms out for a hug

Papyrus quickly pushes him away, ''I-am fine! I re-really don't know how t-these cuts got there!''

''Papyrus?!'' Sans fell back, ''Papyrus...whats...wrong?''

The voice broke down into laughter ''Oh poor you! YOU CAN'T EVEN HIDE YOUR SCARS!!! HAHAHHAHAH''

An orange glow, emerged from papyrus eye as anger rose up inside him 

Sans eyes widen ''P-paps! Wh-'' 

Papyrus quickly ran out of the house slamming the door so hard that the whole house school slightly 

''PAPYRUS!!! WAIT'' Sans quickly ran after his younger brother, but by the time he had opened the front door...papyrus had already left... sans quickly tried to follow were papyrus had gone ''P-PAPS! PL-PLease...'' Sans then crumbled down in the snow and started to cry

papyrus pov

Ha ran and ran and ran until his legs gave out. tears were streaming out of his eyes sockets, he tried to wipe them away, but fresh new tears just formed back. he sighed shakily as he started to walk, the sound of snow crunching beneath his feet. he placed his hands inside of his pockets of the orange hoodie, he felt a weird-shaped small box inside of the left box, he pulled it out. He laid eyes on it and found a small box of cigarettes. in the other pocket, he found a lighter. 

''fuck it.'' he mumbled under his breath as he grabbed one of the cigarettes, he then placed it into his 'mouth' and lit it. he blew out a puff of smoke a snickered a bit. He hasn't smoked in years, he never liked it, until now. The more he smoked that one cigarette the more he becomes addicted. he looked in the box and counted how many were left in there...

''only three left'' he groaned. He turned his head around and found a place where he could bye more. He checked his pockets and found some notes and coines, he quickly went into the shop. He kept his head held low as he pulled his hood over his skull. he picked up a packet of cigarettes and placed it on the counter along with the money. The monster there scanned the packet and took the money. ''Good day sir, and how are you on this fine da-'' He was cut off when papyrus gave him an evil look. ''N-nevermind...h-here you go!'' He pushed the packet closer to papyrus, he quickly grabbed it and put it in his pocket. ''Thanks..'' Papyrus mumbled as he left the store. Once he left the store he was getting late, he couldn't go back to the house with sans...he turned his head around, wondering what to do next, that's when a monster came up to him, he had ruffed up clothing. Jeans, a black leather jacket, he had wolf ear and was covered in a thick layer of black fur, he walked right up to papyrus lazily. ''looking for a place to stay?'' The man said with a smirk

''W-well ye-yes bu-''

The man swung his arm around papyrus neck, he smelled of alcohol and was holding a half-empty beer bottle ''Well follow me mate, I got a place you can *hic* stay!'' the man said

''O-oh I'm n-not sur-'' Before he finished his sentence he could see sans in the distance yelling papyrus name. ''I-I mean sure! J-just hurry...!''

''Sure thing, Heh glad you decide to join us~!'' 

''Join us?-'' Everything went black for a second, and then he found himself in a house with another monster inside. 

''Eh' whos this?'' A ruff looking monster said

''Heh he's looking for a place to stay''

The ruff looking monster threw a beer bottle to papyrus, who quickly caught it ''Drink up'' 

''O-oh I don't dr-drink...''

''Why not?'' The voice said ''You cut...why not drink?!''

''shut it...'' papyrus growled

''Excuses me?!'' The man said

''O-oh n-not you! I-im s-sorry..''

The man's eyes widen as he came closer to papyrus ''can you hear t-them as well...?''

''W-what-'' ''The your head...'' His eyes were emotionless as he spoke in a creepy voice 

''Y-yeah..! i-i hear th-them...? '' 


''T-this is Eathan...and he...has...problems, he says he hears a voice...No one believes him...apart from you...''

''IM NOT CRAZY!! I SWEAR!!'' Ethan said while roaring with laughter 

Papyrus eyes widen 

'' i said..he crazy...'' He took the beer bottle from paps and opened then grave it back to him, 

Papyrus sighed as he drank it...

~Time skip to the next morning cuz im laz-~

Papyrus woke up and saw empty beer bottles everywhere ''holy shit...'' He felt a sharp pain in his skull, he held his hand to it. ''uhg...feel sick...'' Ethan walked over to papyrus with a glass of water

''Here you go, you gonna have a hang drank so much last night...'' He smiled slightly

''H-heh...thanks..'' He took the water and quickly drank it.

~Another time skip to hours later cuz im laz-~

''I-i should get going home...'' He sighed

''Heh, make sure to come back eh'?'' Ethan said

''Y-yeah...i will'' He smiled softly as he left the mans house

He started to walk towards his and sans house...OoOoOo Sans is really gonna hate you! YOU STAYED AT SOMEONE HOUSE THAT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW! You got drunk as fuck as well! 

Papyrus sighed sadly...

He was outside of the house, were he mustered up the courage to open the door...


Also, the weird chater I added, the cat/wolf guy, and Ethan, don't ask me cuz I have no idea either, i just wanted to add them, they aren't an oc of mine, they aren't apart of undertake (i don't think) And yeah 0-0 i rlly don't know XD Hoped you liked this, sorry if it makes no sense, or it has mistakes, 

Anyways, hope you liked it, and stay safe <3


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