What are you?!

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The voice started to laugh... " OK! ILL COME OUT OF HIM! but not for long... " The voice started to laugh as papyrus eyes glowed black, and a wave of pain went washing over him, papyrus yelled in pain as a black silhouette started to walk out of his body...

There then stood, a glowing black silhouette of papyrus...


Sans eyes widen as he shuffled back from the silhouette...he then heard a 'thump' noise as he saw his brothers body fall to the ground "P-PAPS!" he then looked up at the black figure in front of him, it had no mouth, just glowing white eyes, staring right as sans, not moving a muscle


The voice then chucked " What do i want? I WANT TO SEE HIM SUFFER! " the voice roared with laughture as it slowly went back into papyrus body

Sans wiped away his tears, only to have new ones form in his eyes sockets as he ran to papyrus limp body "I-its ok pa-paps...i-ill help you out o-of this....'' Sans then picked up his brothers, unconsis body and layed him on the couch, crying...

~A few hours later~

Paprys woke up groneing in pain "u-uhg...my head..." He looked down and saw sans had fallen asleep, hugging papyrus...Papyrus sadly smiled as he patted his brothers skull, his brother slowly wakeing up

Sans pov

he felt a soft seketon hand patting his head as his eyes slowly opend, he looked up at his brother and tears imdeatly ran down his face ''Y-your..a-alive!'' His voiced cracked

''Hehe, yep..'' 

''P-paps! W-what was th-that thing..? T-that black...t-thing...i-it came out of you...''

Papyrus sighed and looked at his brother in the eyes, tears forming in his eye sockets

''I-i...i dont know...i-it wo-wont leave me al-alone...''

Sans hugged his now crying brother tightly ''Dont w-worry bro...w-well get rid of this thing...''

''HA! good luck with that, your brother has so much hope, that you can get rid of me...but there isnt even a shread of hope in you papyrus...not...even..one!'' The voice taunted

Papyrus groned ''I-i just...want to get some rest...'' Papyrus then stood up with the help of his shorter brother, and limped his way to his room...

''J-just call me if you need anything...'' Sans said weekly

Papyrus cracked a small sad smile, and walked into his room, closing the door behind him. He then fell face first on his bed..

''Your so hopeless papyrus...so uterly hopless..'' The voice sighed angrily ''You want to know what i really am?''

Papyrus eyes widen a bit ''Y-Yes! I do!''

''Alright then...i am, your anger, your sadness, all thoses eotions that you bottle up.. you see papyrus, you know your brothers depressed, you know hes sad, you know that, so when you feel sad, you dont tell him becuase you dont want him to worry more...you bottled it up so much, to the point it created me...i am your bottled up emotions...and i want to see you SUFFER!'' The voice roared into laughture, while papyrus broke into tears...

A depressed Papyrus storyWhere stories live. Discover now