Chapter 2

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Sorry if this sucks... Internet crashed so have to update from mah phone. Had the whole chapter written....
Luke's POV
I texted her as she was walking away and said 'you don't look as pretty walking away from me' and she instantly responded saying 'i have a boyfriend lukey', I had just ran into the girl of my dreams... Literally. She had on a Green Day shirt, ,Black skinny jeans, combat boots , and a beanie. What's not to love? She gave me her number and put her contact picture as her doing puffy cheeks and crossed eyes. That had me smiling like an idiot down at my phone (and the fact she had called me lukey). I was so distracted that I walked straight into a pole. If Ashton wasn't walking by.... I don't know what I would have done. He said "woah, lad why'd you do that? And why are you smiling like an idiot at your phone?" I just smiled and rolled my eyes.
We started walking off towards Calums house for band practice. We were all in a small garage band (me, ashton, calum, and Michael) . We don't expect to get far, we just love making music.
We got there and Michael yells "FINALLY THEIR HERE!"
Ashton just laughs and says "sorry mates, I had to help luke here get up off the ground after walking straight into a pole. " Calum and Mikey look at each other then back at me . I just awkwardly rub the back of my neck.
Ashton's adds "and he was smiling down at his phone. The boys erupt into yells and whistles and giggles. I finally loose it and yell "YES! I MET SOMEBODY AT THE PARK AND THEY HAPPENED TO BE A GIRL... BUT SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND SO FUCK OFF!" The boys suddenly get quiet because I don't yell ... Like ever. "Now let's get back to what we are here for.... Band practice?"
We sing a bunch of songs... A mix between songs we've written and covers, and we end with one of my favorite songs 'I miss you' by blink-182

We all leave and I text Augusta asking how her date went. She replies instantly (like always) saying. "The norm , Blake being a douchebag and asking where I was since I was late. But I'm so glad that I met you... Because I just thought of questions I could ask you(:" I text back saying "sorry he's a dick.... You should drop him like a cold potato.... That's how the saying goes right?" She sends me a text back saying " not exactly but... You could be a rapist considering I don't even know you last name... Meaning I can't stalk your Facebook." I laugh and text "Hemmings" . And I know now that tonight will be a good night.

So I feel like I run on and on in text messages . I might change the format in the next chapter.
Love you so much daisys
~ Hanna (AKA - Hanna Hemmings)

Gotta Get OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora