Chapter 3

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ahhhh! my head is spinning wiith ideas! hope yall like it so far! (:


Augusta POV

Me and Luke had been talking literally since right after he texted me. I had foundour simple little things so far like his favorite color was blue, and his favorite song was I Miss You by Blink-182 (whichi also figured out he has a nice choice in music) he goes to North West Christian Academy, and that he is absolutly going to be my best friend.

From: Lukeeyy

So, stalker statuse... where do you live?

To: Lukeeyy

i live with my mom bc she left my dad when i was 13, i go to sea crest high school.

From: Lukeeyy

That didnt answer my question at all Blakey.

(yes he was calling me by my second part of my name which i completely HATED)

To: Lukeeyy

1456 F avenue

From: Lukeeyy

Now im gonna be at your house all the time(:

To: Lukeeyy

OHMERGAWD!! just text me b4 you come over so i can tell you if Blake is here. Got it lukey?

From: Lukeeyy

got it:P

To: Lukeeyy

gtg. i luv u sleep tight

"AUGUSTA-BLAKE" my mom yelled

"yeah mom?" "can you come down for dinner?" 'Yep coming now"

I got down stairs and didnt expect what i saw... my dad was here.. at my house

why is he here i thought, considering since i havent seen him in 3 years

"hi, Augusta-Blake.... havent seen you in a while and ive missed you. Can i have a hug?" My dad asked. And that blew me over the top. "YOU HAVENT EVEN MADE A POINT TO COME SEE ME IN WHAT, 3 YEARS NOW?! WHAT DO YOU WANTFORM ME NOW? TO COME BACK AND GET CHILD SUPPORT FROM MOM??? WELL YOU BETTER LEAVE COS I DONT WANT YOU IN MY LIFE... NOT NOW, NOT EVER!!" and with that i stormed out of the room . I picked up mty phone and called Luke. It was time for him to meet Alex,Abigail and Wiil.

At the first ring he picked up

"Whats the matter Blakey?" he asked. "Can you come get me like NOW! ill explain when we get to where we are going." "sure thing, and btw what you said earlier, i love you too."

and with that my heart droped. Blake had never made it sound so sincere and has always only texted me it,

To; Alexxxx, William :P, and ABIGAIL

yall meet me at the park. ASAP. have something to tell all of you.

they all texted back with various "ar eyou okays" ,"what happeneds", and "on my ways"

Lukes POV

Shw told me she loved me..... then she called me and sounded pretty shook up asking me to pick her up... and obviously i did,,, and i told her i loved her too. she just sat in silnece and hung up... Did I mess it up?

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