Chapter 6

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Omg..... already on chapter 6.... (:


Augusta POV

I ahd just broken up with Blake... I was a mess, he is all i have ever known ,he was my first kiss... hell, my first boyfriend we hadbeen together since fucking 8th grade.... and now what was i going to do.  Luke was holding me and wisperign into my ear. Shit, this boy hits me in the feels everytime we are together, does it mean something?  I dont know what its like to fall for anybody.....

I finally cried myself to sleep in Lukes arms,  but i could still hear some of the conversations around me. 

Abigails POV

Woah, that just happened. My best friend just broke up with the boy she had been with since 8th grade.   But now shes in Lukes arms, where she belongs..... How can we ever make her relize thats where she belongs..?

Alex POV 

She had done it.   Luke better make a move quick because Blake will be back... i know for a fact. 

Williams POV

My all time best friend who has helped me with so many break up had gone through her first one.... and now Luke is the one comforting her. I wish i was the one holding her.

Lukes POV

I cant wait for very long.....  Alex just told me that Blake will be back.  I cant let her get away..... She has to be mine... she is the one ive always dreamed of.

" How long do you think before he comes to try and get her back?' I wispered concerned.

" This has happened before and it took him a whole month to come back. He figured that she would wait for him, which she did, but this time it will probaly be shorter since your in the picture now.  AND you better STAY in the picture. You got it Hemmings?" Alex said, "You make her feel a ease and ive never seen her like that in all the years ive known her. So dude please dont leave her now."  Will wispered to me. Her friends apparently liked me. 

Augusta POV

My eyes shuttered open, but it was dark and everybody was just sitting around. Then all the memorys came back too me, Me and Blake..... I have to text him now.. 

"Where is m my phone?!" i asked .  Everybody looked at me weirdly, "I have to text Blake, i cant let him slip through my finger tips. So where is my Goddamn phone?!" 

"Blakey dont got back to that guy. You saw what he did."  Luke told me.    I just looked at him and said "nobody else wants me...." 

Lukes POV

"Blakey dont got back to that guy. You saw what he did."  I told her. She just looked at me and said "nobody else wants me...."    Me heart broke... I cant tell her yet that she is the one, the only one, i will ever want.   We didnt give her the phone so she walked into the kitchen and started to cry again.  I walked in there and calm her down,  " Blakey Its okay, youll be over him so soon that youll start to forget everything about him. Trust me."   She just looked up at me, her makeup had run dwn her face, and the beanie was falling off, "Keep your head held high princess, your tirra is falling"  i wispered into her ear and she just fell into me and sobbed. I dont know what i did wrong......

Augusta POV

"Keep you head held high princess, you tirra is falling" he had just wispered to me.  It broke me... Blake always told me that. But for some reason it made me extreamly happy to hear it from Luke. What is happening to me.....


Long chapter... drama be starting..... yasssss , thanks for all the reads my little daisys <3

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