Thank You.

4.8K 118 8

Thank you for all of your support. Thank you for giving me and my book a chance. This is the first time I have ever completed a book. 

I'll be honest. This book is not perfect by any means. I have a lot of regrets and wishes that were not fulfilled. But I finished it and I'm proud of that. 

It has come so far. I remember refusing to update until a chapter had received 3 votes. I waited and waited and that didn't come so I wholeheartedly believed that I would never have any reads on this book. And then it kind of exploded. As I write this there are 72k reads. That is phenomenal! So much more support than I ever expected to receive. I am grateful to you all. 

I leave tomorrow to serve a mission in Portland, Oregon. I won't have access to the internet for eighteen months. In December of 2021, I cannot wait to see who all has read this and meet you all. 

Don't be shy. If you read this and want to reach out I will be allowed to email once per week. My email is should you want to communicate with me. 

I hope you find the value in this book and the truths that I tried to express within it. 

Love everyone. Treat everyone with kindness. Have integrity. Have courage. You are worthy and you are Enough. 

See you in 18 months! 

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