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Jeon Jungkook was a late bloomer.

At least in the puberty aspect.

The beginning of his puberty journey began at sixteen. He was often teased about it in school but his elders helped convince him that nothing was wrong with him. He grew self conscious about himself and often wondered why his body didn't look the same as everyone else's. Thankfully as the years progressed he turned out to be fine. But things that are delayed usually come with a downside. Since mostly every person began at the age of twelve they learned how to grasp and better control their hormones and emotions. Obviously not as well as the average adult but most teens learned over time right from wrong, how to control your emotions (or at least how to pretend to do so) and keep control of their sexual urges.

Jungkook was not one of those people.

The teen now had a couple different problems to juggle. Between school and debuting at a young age and trying to figure himself. He was confused and frustrated with himself and turned to something he accidentally caught his hyungs doing.


He tried it many times but he didn't feel anything. He would open his laptop, go to watch hundreds of videos, and still not be aroused.

He was beginning to believe he was asexual.

That was until he slowly but surely found himself fantasizing about his group members. Namjoon and Seokjin to be exact. It often confused him but he started putting two and two together when he found himself uninterested in women and focusing on the male while watching porn. He went from watching strictly gay porn to sneaking into the rooms of his members to touch himself. He had to catch himself from moaning because he was caught once or twice moaning Namjoon's name. Unfortunately a couple members ended up being home. And Namjoon had heard him.

Hoseok was the one to have the talk with him. Everyone in the group was well aware about his delayed puberty so they left the boy alone, but someone had to tell him he was extremely too loud. Hoseok became his go to for all the questions he had about the topic. His elder never made him feel embarrassed and introduced him a couple of new things. He watched videos with him and they shopped together for toys until the maknae found something he liked.

Ah the good ole fleshlight.

Which brings us to where we are now. All the members were supposed to be out of the dorms for a couple of hours which was going to give the younger all the time he needed. Yoongi and Hoseok were in the studio recording thier joint album, Taehyung and Jimin were at a club with the other 95 liners, and Namjoon and Jin were traveling to Hongdae for their anniversary.

Which made Jungkook feel guilty for thinking about them in that way.

He didn't mean to but he just happened. Namjoon was the whole reason he was in Big Hit and BTS to begin with. He put so much trust in him and looked to him for guidance. He ended up falling for him and planned to tell him how he felt but things didn't do according to plan. Namjoon asked out Seokjin and it broke him. Then later he developed feelings for the eldest. Seokjin was always there for him and he thought Jin was a parental figure to him until he started thinking of him romantically and sexually and that ideology flew out the window.

The boy was horny. He quickly pulled out his laptop and opened a folder with his favorite videos. As one began to play he started palming himself over his sweatpants. His eyes shut and he let out a sigh. This has come to be routine for him. If he wasn't doing it everyday then it was every other one. If not in his room then Namjoon's or Seokjin's or the bathroom or wherever he could reach his release peacefully. It was damn near an addiction but  Jungkook was too far gone to stop. He eventually found out why masturbating felt so good. Why all his friends talked about sex in general and how amazing it was. How good it felt despite the unwanted sadness that sometimes followed after. It was too good to stop.

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