Chapter 4

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"Mack." I whisper towards him as he wraps his hoodie around my cold body.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"How'd you end up in this place?" I ask with interest etching from my voice.

"I don't really know," Mack shrugs his shoulders. "I guess life just got caught up in the moment of free alcohol?" Mack chuckles.

"I'm serious Mack," I pause to look him in the eyes. "You know German, french, how to farm, heck you even seem to know more about law than me! Why'd you pick to stay here at this bar and work?" I ask as I search his eyes.

"I-I don't really know why." He says with a sudden look of softness in his eyes.

"Mack," I start.

"Yes, Faye?" He replies.

I look in his eyes searching for something. Maybe he's my escape. He could be my way out of this lie of perfection. Or maybe I'm just drunk and cold.

"Can we get out of here?" I ask as I know out a breath of alcoholic scented air.

"Hold on." He replies. Mack gets up and leaves to go check out of his shift or whatever. I don't know how that works. I've never had a job. Mack comes back and I smile warmly at him.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"When am I not?" He replies as he slips his hand into mine and leads me into the car.


"You know, I really like your taste in music." I say, breaking the comfortable silence of the warm car. We've been on the road for a good 15 minutes.

"You like my Spotify playlist? I feel touched." Mack says as he places a hand from the steering wheel to his heart to show his warmth. I ignore his reply and comment on the song that's currently playing.

"I love this song so much, it shows so much emotion and I can feel the vibes it gives off. " I say as I lean my head against the window.

"Moments of Silence by Lucidious and Josh Woods. I love this song too." Mack says as he glances over at me. I smile as I close my eyes and look out of the window. I listen to the last words of the song and sit there thinking about my life as Sometimes by H.E.R comes on. I smirk as I remember all the times that Ciai and I would dance in my room to this song after another break up.

I wonder if mother and father would ever let me marry someone of my choice if I found someone before 23.

What if I marry Mack?

What if I actually fall in love with Levi?


I would never fall in love with Levi Knox. That is impossible. I doubt I would even fall in love with Zachary Hampton. I don't believe I would fall in love with Mack Letchworth either. I would never fall in love.

My eyes shoot open as I feel us hit a bump on the road.

"Here we are." Mack says with a bright, toothy smile. I look ahead of us in the direction of the only non-natrual light, the headlights.

It's a cabin.

"It's really pretty!" I exclaim.

"It was my Auntie's. She died last year." He says.

"I am so sorry Mack. I know what it can be like." I reply.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" He questions with caution.

"It's fine. Well, my brother had a girlfriend a few years ago. Her name was Mandy Lander. Mandy was like," I pause to choke back my tears.

"She was like a sister to me. One night Mandy and I had convinced my brother to take us to a concert. The drive there was fine, there was nothing wrong with the road or car although, now that I think of it there were cars speeding ahead of us. Anyways, we were halfway through the concert and that's when we heard the sound. POP! POP! POP! It was a shooting. Mandy jumped in front of me to save me. Mandy died because of me-" I can't even finish speaking before I become overwhelmed with tears.

Mack slides his arms around me and pulls me closer in the front seat of his truck. I fall into his body and we melt into each other. It's like his body was made for me to lay into.

I sit up and I stare into his eyes. I slowly lean into him as our bodies synch together. He brushes his nose against mine and our lips slowly find our way together.

It's electrifying.

It's like we can't get enough of each other. We vigorously find our lips touching again and again and again even after we pull away. It's like we're running out of air and this is the last of it. I run my free hand through his hair as my other hand is laced together with Mack's. We cannot get enough of the magnifying need for our lips to stay together.

He slowly pulls away and looks at me.

"Let's go inside." Mack says as he gets out of his side of the truck and opens my door. He takes his overcoat off and puts it around my shivering body.


My eyes slowly start to flutter open. I already have a blasting headache and I cannot even have the tolerance for it today. I stroke my covers and finally open my eyes as the light blinds me. I look away at at the covers. They're green. Since when have I had green sheets.


Me stripping down at the bar.

Mack stopping me from stripping all the way.

The kiss.

How we couldn't pull away.

The extra white wine.

How I felt.

After the kiss.

The extents we went to.

I had sex with Mack Letchworth.

What was I thinking? I sit up and notice Mack asleep next to me.

I need to disappear.

Pretend that I never met Mack.

Yeah, that'll work!!


Thank God for James.

Thank God for Ciai.

I never thought I'd say this one, but thank God for Levi.

Ciai wasn't awnsering the phone when I stepped outside of the cabin. I did the next best thing. I had called Levi. Levi picked me up and as we were pulling into Ciai's driveway she called me.

I explained everything to her as I did to Levi and we quickly came up with an alibi for my parents to hear. We called James and told him the exact same thing.

It sounded like I had just committed murder and everybody was trying to help me get out of it. Ciai drove me home at about 12 in the afternoon, explained to my parents that we were up all night studying and we fell asleep, and that we had just woke up realizing what time it was.

So now that you are all caught up, I am currently sitting in my room while James fixes the stinging slap on the side of my face from my mother. I still have to go to school today and I am not prepared in the slightest.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment if you haven't already- you don't have to, but it'd be nice. I will  probably upload again on Monday. Tell me what you thought of this chapter!

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