The Hidden Truth

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"I'm sorry what..." Felix sputtered. He was very confused at her statement.

Y/N took a deep breath before repeating herself, "Can you...keep what happens here...a secret. Felix reluctantly nodded. She then said, "Close your eyes..." 

Felix became more shocked saying, "What! Why?"

"P-please. I don't want you to take this the wrong way," She said in a hushed whisper. 

"Fine," he complied. He slowly shut his eyes and soon heard a bit of rustling and became curious. He slowly opened his left eye slightly, peeking at what she was doing.

Felix obliged and slowly closed his eyes. He heard a bit of rustling and took a slight peek...

He saw that Y/N was taking her school uniform off and he quickly shut his eyes closed again. A little while later, Y/N said, "O-Open your eyes..." He did as she commanded and immediately noticed the bruises and cuts littered along her body.

"W-what happened t-to you..." Felix asked. He was astonished at the difference between her impressions outside compared to the truth.

"I-I'm anything but the prefect girl that everyone wants me to be. I have an abusive dad, I used to cut, and um I am actually diagnosed slightly with depression..." Y/n explained...she felt shameful for her true self. She didn't like the attention, and she cut to try cope with it.

"Don't. Cut..." Felix growled out.

"H-Huh?" Y/N squeaked

"Don't. Cut. I'm not going to let you cut again. Meet me at the park, 3:00 PM tomorrow. Put your clothes on and let's get to class," Felix commanded lowly.

"O-Okay," Y/N meekly squeaked out. She followed his intructions and swiftly redressed in her uniform. They left the closet and when to thier class when a boy walked up to Y/N. 

"Hey little sis! Who's this?" The boy asked. Felix originally felt a bit jealous for some reason that he couldn't figure out, but when he found out that she was his sister, that all went away. He also noticed that she put a fake smile on when he came towards them. 

"Channie! Um, he's my friend. I haven't seen you for the past simester, you ditched me~~" She whined. Felix knew of the pain that she was trying to convey to her brother, but I just seemed like he was oblivious to it. 

"Well, I'm sorry lil' sis, but how about I walk you home later today and we hangout with dad!" Dino suggested as he threw an arm around her small body. 

"U-Um. Th-That's fine! I-I was going to hang out with F-Felix later! R-RIght!" Y/N quickly stuttered out. She moved towards Felix and hugged his arm. ShHe looked at him with pity and fear. He felt that she wanted to keep everything a secret so he played along. 

"Y-Yeah. We were going to hang out after. U-Um I think we need to go hyung, um...see you around!" Felix excused as he took Y/N into the classroom. Luckily, they got there before the teacher. They sat there at their seats and waited. 

The teacehr finally came and started the lesson. Before the class ended, the teacher announced, "Everyone, we will be having a winter dance. There will the a vote for the Winter Royals and we will be doing the preparations and decorating, so I put all of you in pairs and assigned you which decoration set you'll be working on with your partners." 

Everyone groaned in annoyance. "Everyone, I know you don't like this, but I'll use this as an extra credit project," The teacher persuaded. At this, everyone perked up and began whipsering about who their partners would be, well to be presice, who Y/N's partner would be. 

"What are the partners Mrs. Lu," a student asked. 

"The partners are...." Mrs. Lu announced, "finally, Y/N and Felix. Now, your assigned decorations will be posted tomorrow. You are dismissed."

Everyone walked out and Y/N was packing up. She looked up to see Felix waiting for her by the door. "For the project do you want to work on it at my house or your's," he asked as Y/N walked up to the door. 

As they walked towards the school gate, she shook her head and said, "Your house. I probably will get beatings if you come over." 

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow! Also, don't forget my order..." Felix said, whispering ther last bit. 

"mmm!" Y/N nodded. She waved goodbye to Felix and walked home. What she didn't know, was that a certain someone was following her there...

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