Brother's Friends...

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As Y/N was being pulled by her brother, she felt that her cuts were going to open again and bleed. She was worried that her brother might expose her, so she pulled her arm away from him and said, "I-I can walk on my own. U-Um you can lead the way."

"Fine. But why didn't you tell me about the abuse you had at home. I need to let everyone know about this," Dino huffed. 

"NO!" Y/N yelled, "U-Um I mean, I don't want p-people to get i-nto our f-family affairs. U-UM I think It's best we just go to your place or I go to Felix's." Y/N panicked. 

"U-Um. Okay, I guess that's right. It's wrong for me to allow people to deal with things that aren't their's to know about in the 1st place. 

As they got to Chan's place, Y/N could hear the sound of multiple people. It sounded like a party was being held there. Chan knocked and it opened to see 12 heads peaking out.

"Dino! Your back. Um...who's she?" a boy with brown wavy hair (Mansae era) asked.

"That's Y/N, my sister, Vernon," Dino replied. 

"Well, how about we show her around, and then she can room with the members of her line," Woozi suggested. Everyone else nodded in agreement and they eventally finished showing Y/N the whole dorm. 

"hey Y/N, what year were you born?" Jeonghan asked.

"I was born 2000 so I'm a 00 liner," Y/N responded. 

"Then I think you can sleep with the 98' liners," Seungcheol instructed. 

"Okay," Y/N agreed. 

-------------------------------------3 Months Later-------------------------------------


It's been about 3 months and I've still been able to keep the cuts and bruises that I've had on my body a secret from everyone but Felix. Seungkwan being the observant type, noticed me acting a bit strangely, and he almostgot something out of Felix, but I was able to save him. I was also being cautious of the food I ate. I was told as a child to diet, but I think that I've lost too little weight. So for the past few months I've been eating less and less. I thought I could keep this a secret till my grave, but one day...everything was revealed. 

I was with Felix and we were about to leave when Dino and 3 of the boys had came up to us. Dino began nagging me to go with him and the rest to an arcade. I was originally going to go out with Felix so I said no. This went on for a while until Dino had enough of it and...

What did he do? 

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