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"I'm surprised the Ministry are still letting you roam free Potter." he said as he walked ahead of me. He slowed down and I got slightly impatient so I silently and gently pushed my way through the small throng of people while tutting at his insolence.

Before I could get past them though he grabbed me wrist harshly, "Who are you tutting at, you filthy..." He stopped when he saw grey abyss of my eyes. He must have seen the darkness and sorrow in them. He must have remembered. I shook my head at him and he let me go. I turned away from him without another glance and slumped the rest of the way to the carriages, not caring to listen to the rest of their conversation.

He barged past me along with the rest of them, muttering curse words under their breath.

He turned and mouthed "Sorry." to me.

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