Chapter Four

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Dear Silent readers,
        This chap are dedicated to all of you. Hope you guys enjoy.

Ps. Why does every time I read 'Silent Reader' on anyone's authors note, They are talking about ghost? I wonder....


"Okey guys." Natasha tried to get their attention and for the first time every one went silent giving the girl the chance to speak.

Tony groan at that.

"Everyone will and should stay at the shield. We will make sure that these scientists will never get their hands on any of you. So please follow any rules and regulations, to ensure everyone's safety." They all nod, and glaring at the collide Bad Touch and Awesome Trio that sit in the corner all smirking.

" I wish there is no trouble going to happen. "Natasha finished and every one eyes fall to the Combine trio smirking, smirk means trouble and every one is aware of it.

They reach Shield and enter the huge air craft.

Every one was led into a room with various chairs and a very transparent table.

Everyone stop on their tracks as they notice Loki at the end of the table.

"Brother. How did you get here?" Thor ask clenching his hammer, glaring at the god of Mischief.

"Can't I visit my brother?" Loki said putting his feet in the table.

"Feet down, Loki." Natasha said.

The Nordics surprisingly silent.

Loki just smirk at the woman, his attention diverted away from her towards the people behind the Avengers.

"Ah, so we have visitors. Come in, Come in!" He gestured them to sit on the table.

The Nordics walk in first sitting near the god of mischief.

"Ah! TINO! BERWARD! LUKAS! MATHIAS! EMIL! Long time no see!!" Loki greeted the five people who just smile softly at him.

The rest took sit but make sure that they have fare distance away from Loki.

"You knew them, brother?" Thor ask sitting on the left side of Loki.

Loki gasp dramatically and look at Thor.

"How dare you forget these people, Brother! How dare you forget them." He said faking offended.

"What?" Loki groan at his Brother.

"They are our believer, Thor. They are Vikings, well only Mathias, Lukas and Berward." He look at the three who just nod confirming his statement.

"What do you mean? Viking of earth are long gone." Tony ask curiously.

"Well I guess that you guys should know." Alfred start.

"Ve are all Immortal." Gilbert said continued his statement.

"We personified countries." Mathias added.

"Ve~ We are all older than we look. I'm over 2,000 years old!!" Feliciano said.

"We are over 3,000 years old but 20,000 years old if you count when we are Vikings." Lukas said.

"Ich zhink zhat vhat zhe scientists vant from us." Ludwig stated earning nod from other countries.

"Wait... If you guys are Personified Countries, can you tell us what you all personified as?" Clint ask.

"Alfred F. Jones as America!" He yell

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