The Arrival

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Hear... Feel... Think....

Where was I?

"Warrior of Light. Beloved daughter." A strange voice spoke. A flash of light, then a large blue crystal appeared.

"I am Hydaelyn, protector of the realm." The voice said.

"You must be mistaken, I am no warrior." I told the crystal. It glowed brightly.

"Ah, But you are. You have been chosen to become the next Warrior of Light. Surely you can take on this task." Hydaelyn said.

"No, I cannot! I have very little fighting experience!" I panicked.

"Fear not Jackie. I will be watching over you." I looked right at the crystal now.

"How do you know my name?" I asked it.

"You are waking." It said.


"You are waking. Remember. Hear.... Feel.... Think......."

"Oi! You alright there miss?" A man was in front of me. I looked at my surroundings.

I appeared to be on an airship. There were only a few other passengers. The ones who stood out were two elezen siblings who looked identical. They were chatting quietly. The boy looked over at me and smiled, then resumed his conversation with his sister.

"You blacked out for a while. Are ye seasick?" Asked the man. I shook my head, trying to make sense of that vision... or was it just a dream?

"No, I'm alright." I told him.

"If ye say so." He said, strolling back over to the controls. He must be piloting the ship, I thought to myself.

"All on this flight for Limsa Lominsa, we will be getting off soon." The pilot announced. That's right. I remember clearly now. I was headed toward the ocean city of Limsa Lominsa to become what I have always wanted to become. A summoner.

My heartbeat quickened as the airship slowed to a stop. The elezen twins got off before me. As I watched them walk off, I heard the pilot stepping down onto the ground behind me.

"Name's Baderon. Ye must be Jackie Jackal. I heard you would be boarding my ship but I never believed it." He said.

"You know who I am?" I asked.

"Well of course! You're rumored to be the new Warrior of Light!" Baderon exclaimed. So it was true.

"Uh... well..." I stammered.

"Come! I'll show you to the Arcanist's guild!" He offered. Becoming an Arcanist is the first step to becoming a Summoner. What have I got to lose?

"Ok, lead on!" I agreed with his plan. Things were about to get wild, and I didn't even have the slightest idea.

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