A Chat

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Leviathan flailed and thrashed as it fell backwards, smacking the water's surface and fading into a bright blue dust. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the deadly ocean primal was now defeated. I had never been a fan of the ocean.... in fact I'm kinda terrified of deep water. Just imagine what lurks beneath..... The captain turned the ship back around and we headed toward the shore. I was full ready to tell the Scions about this victory. Another primal gone! But who knows how many more I'll have to fight.

"You... you have bested me... I yield!" Hoary Boulder panted as he kneeled in the grass. I had just finished my training with Hoary Boulder and Coultenet, and I had beaten both of them. Yozan, who was watching from the sidelines, let out a gasp.

"That was incredible! She beat them both at the same time!" He cheered. The small audience that had gathered to watch me train roared with delight.

"We knew you couldn't lose, Jackie! None can defeat the guardian of Eorzea!" A frontier hand yelled.

"Now I see why they send you to deal with the primals! I've much work to do if I'm ever to attempt the same..." an experienced adventurer chimed in. I grinned as I turned back to the panting mage and paladin. I stretched out my hand to help them up, one at a time. As the crowd started to break up and leave, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Impressive as always, Jackie. 'Tis ever a pleasure to witness the spectacle of your material prowess." A familiar voice spoke. Blushing, I turned around to see Alphinaud strolling up to me.

"And judging by the smiles on these many faces, they, too, appreciate the hard-won strength that keeps the perils of the realm at bay." He continued.

"Guardian of Eorzea... yes, that is a most fitting title." My ears flattened in embarrassment.

"Oh, come on Alphi, I wasn't THAT good!" I responded. Alphinaud smiled and looked up at the evening sky.

"Do you recall when we first met? 'Twas at the memorial service for the Battle of Carteneau... At the time, I was yet attempting to understand this land of Eorzea. I sought to grasp the reason why Grandfather willingly sacrificed himself to protect it. I will speak plainly: my initial impressions were less than favorable. Dire problems abounded, and yet the effort I saw expended towards their solution was haphazard and half-hearted. I thought Eorzeans a foolish and childish people." He paused for a minute, then continued.

"Considering the shambles their home was in, I would not have been surprised if some had chosen to swear allegiance to Gaius and the order he proposed to enforce. The legatus's single-minded military invasion precluded any such switching of loyalties, of course. Were it not for a desire to continue Grandfather's legacy, I would have abandoned the realm to its fate long ago. The threats were too many, the nations too self-involved and unstable." Alphinaud turned to me with a heartfelt smile.

"'Twas you who convinced me the salvation of Eorzea was possible. 'Twas you who taught me—through countless acts of bravery—That what my grandsire sought to preserve was not the land, nor its history, nor any single nation... it was the people. These wonderful, oft infuriating, stubborn people that suffer blow after terrible blow only to drag themselves back to their feet to face another day. Though he never put such feelings into words, I believe Grandfather's admiration for this inextinguishable courage grew into a fervent wish—a wish to aid Eorzea and its inhabitants in charting a course for the future. A wish that has now become my own. I, too, will endeavor to take up the mantle of guardian of Eorzea, and champion these people who toll towards a better world." I could see the determination set into Alphinaud's eyes. He meant every word he said.

"Alphi, I... I would love your help." I said. He looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Our cause, however, is not a simple one: the troubles that plague us are of a scale that cannot be solved by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn alone. No, what is needed to tackle the root of the primal threat—and effectively counter the schemes of the Ascians—is a new, expanded organization that operates beyond the limitations of nations and borders. If you would aid me in building such an organization, then pray let us continue this discussion back within the walls of the Rising Stones." He finished.

"Of course I'll help you! I'll just, uh, meet you there. There's a thing I have to take care of real quick..." I stuttered. Alphinaud nodded and started back towards Mor Dhona.

As soon as he was out of sight, I slumped down by a tree, still blushing crimson from his flattery. Why did I feel this way? This didn't happen anytime someone else gave me compliments. I continued to question my feelings, but deep down I knew exactly what was going on. With a sigh, I let out a shrill whistle. Winger, my chocobo, came bounding up to me. I hopped onto his saddle and we took off, racing to the Rising Stones.

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