Ultima Weapon

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"But come, I would introduce you to your friends in the order." Minfilia said. I looked around the room at the strangers, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

"The masked woman is Yda, and beside her is Papalymo. The two are charged with surveying the Twelveswood." Minfilia pointed to two of the Scions.

"Hello there!" Yda's kind voice spoke.

"Well come!" Papalymo greeted.

"Ok, my turn to introduce someone! That there is Thancred!" Yda said excitedly, pointing to a man across the room.

"He is our man here in Ul'dah, jewel of the desert." Papalymo told me. Thancred raised his hand in greeting.

"Welcome to the team!" He said. He turned to his right, where the conjurer I knew from the goobbue fight was standing.

"If I may, the lovely maiden beside me is named Y'shtola. Limsa Lominsa has the pleasure of being under her care." Y'shtola smiled at me.

"Greetings. I have been expecting you." I smiled, and she then looked toward a hooded man.

"Last but not least is Urianger, who presides over all affairs within these halls. Pray seek him out whenever you have any questions." She finished.

"Dawn May banish even the darkest night..." Urianger mumbled, which earned him an odd look from Minfilia.

"...The words of a dear friend. I am glad of our meeting." He said. My glance shifted from person to person. I gave everyone a small wave, trying to make a good first impression. Minfilia smiled.

"In time, I hope you will come to of us as family."

I watched as the flames swirled all around me. I had just defeated the Ultima Weapon, which proved to be no easy task. Bricks fell to the ground as buildings crumbled besides me. I turned to the left, then the right, searching for a way out of this mess. Lahabrea had caused all of this devastation. Luckily, with help from Hydaelyn, I beat the ascian out of his "vessel". I picked up Thancred's limp body and heaved a sigh of relief, finding that he was still breathing. Fire licked at my tail, to which I jumped back and almost fell into a pit of flames. I shook my head.

"Anyone? Hello? I could use a bit of help here!" I desperately pleaded with the seemingly deserted stronghold. My ears pricked up as gears clicked in the distance. The stomping of a Magitek Reaper's feet.... it couldn't be. But it was. Maggie jumped out from the shadows, screeching to a halt in front of me.

"Maggie! You're alive!" I exclaimed as I rushed up to the Reaper. I had stupidly left her behind in the progress of defeating the Ultima Weapon. I thought her power was out, but here she was, alive and kicking!

She made beeping sounds as I hopped into the control seat, pulling an unconscious Thancred with me. Maggie started up again and shot down the burning hall, trying to get ahead of the flames. As Maggie ran, I felt the familiar dizziness of Hydaelyn calling to me. I gave Maggie a gentle pat, then I blacked out.


I heard the three words from Hydaelyn's voice.

"Warrior of Light. Beloved daughter. The darkness hath fled before the unclosed brilliance of thy spirit. Yet it lingereth still beyond the sight of men, in forgotten corners of the world. In the depths of the abyss yet resideth the Dark One, watchful ever. Till this evil be cast out, never shall the world know aught but a passing peace. Yet for the present, a gentle light shineth o'er the realm of Eorzea. With thee at it's heart." I smiled a bit as Hydaelyn continued to speak.

"From sparkling mote shall it swell to glorious sun, and all the world shall bask in its warmth. Blessings and joy be upon thee. Go fourth, my child, and be as a beacon of hope for Eorzea and the lands beyond, through all the days of thy life."

I heard panicked voices in the distance.

"My friends?" I wondered out loud.

"Look into the light, my child. If thou wouldst see thy companions returned safe to thee, reach out to them now." I listened to Hydaelyn's voice speak one last time.

"Hey! Everyone! I'm here!" I tried to yell over all the ruckus.

"There!" I heard Minfilia exclaim. Maggie sped up a bit, then leaped into the open air, out of the burning, crashing down hallway. We landed right In front of our friends and watched as relief spread across their faces.

"Look! Thancred is with her!" Yda exclaimed as both her and Papalymo pointed at him.

"Thank the twelve!" Papalymo cheered, Yda giving him a high five.

"Thank Hydaelyn..." Y'shtola said, taking a deep breath before strolling over to us. Alphinaud, Cid, And Urianger followed suit. Minfilia grinned, also coming up to greet me.

"Welcome home." She said.

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