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We all gathered around Thancred, who had regained his conciseness and was no longer possessed by Lahabrea. We sat there and chatted, Thancred would crack the occasional joke. I threw my head back in laughter, enjoying the moment while it lasted.

All of my friends, all of the remaining soldiers, gathered in one place to celebrate the destruction of the Ultima Weapon. My tail flicked with happiness. With a quick glance around, I noticed that Alphinaud was not with us. My gaze shifted over the crowd, searching for my friend.

As I looked to the cliff, I saw him standing out there, probably just taking in the view. I started to stride toward him, but stopped as I heard his voice. He was unaware of my presence.

"Though the Crystal That bound Thancred is no more, I doubt we can say the same of Lahabrea. And even if we could, we know that he is not alone. Confounded ascians...." I stepped back a little, not wanting to startle my friend from his thoughts.

"Their god may be unknown to us, but their zeal is unquestionable. Suffice to say, it would be folly to assume that they no longer pose a threat. Nevertheless..." Alphinaud shook his head, then continued.

"For now we must savor what peace we have won, however ephemeral." He paused and looked up at the sky.

"Do you see, Grandfather? Our first step towards realizing the dream for which you gave your life." Alphinaud seemed to be finished with his out loud thinking, so, with a bit of nervousness, I tapped him on the shoulder. He flinched a little, not expecting to be approached at that time.

"Oh, uh, sorry." I stammered.

"It's ok! It's ok! I was just... thinking. That's all." He said.

I looked back toward the rest of my friends. Yda, Papalymo, Y'shtola, Minfilia, Urianger And Thancred. They were still talking, and Y'shtola was the first one to notice that I had left. I turned back to Alphinaud. He was looking back at the sky. I started toward Yda, who had also noticed my absence and was now calling for me. Halfway to her, I looked back at the cliff.

"Hey! Alphi!" I yelled to my friend.

He glanced back at me as I made a beckoning motion with my arm. A smile spread across his face as he started to jog to catch up with me. We were greeted by Yda's enthusiasm, telling us that the fruit punch was really good and that we should try some. I grinned and grabbed a cup, sipping it down as I sat and enjoyed the company of all my closest friends. I didn't know what I would do if anything ever happened to any one of them. Luckily I wouldn't have to worry about that, now that the Ultima Weapon was gone........ or would I?

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