Chapter 02

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You woke up in your bed at the annoying beeping of your clock. You groan out loud and smack your clock to make it stop.

You had that horrible dream again.

Why does he keep popping into your dreams?

He keeps making you want to go to sleep early everyday so that you could see him .

But at the same time you were scared thinking about what that dream was and why it would always keep you up.

You got  up to clean up in the washroom.

You wore a white shirt and a red skirt with a tie hanging at your neck.

As you looked into the mirror, you twirled and looked at your face. You knew that you had beautiful features that made almost every boy go after you.

You were not really an introverted person . You would often make friends that would just hang around you for popularity and would flirt at times with boys that picked interest in you. You always seemed to be the perfect kid. Smart and extremely pretty. But they didn't know..

That you never had been perfect.

Born in 2001 ,you, a 19 year old had made people assume that your life was nothing but comfortable.

But the thing you were so sure about ,that others dint know ,was that your name was never 'Lana'..

You couldn't remember anything that had happened in your life from the past year.

You had a brain trauma that was caused due to a lot of stress that made you loose almost all your memories.

You shake your head.

" i need to stop thinking about it " , you murmur.

You tie your hair into a beautiful braid and hurry downstairs to be welcomed by your parents.

They wished you a good morning as they kissed your forehead.

You gobbled on your food while keeping a track of the time and then grabbed your books that were lying on your table from yesterday.

You waved your parents goodbye and ran out the door,before hopping to the gate ,fixing your shoes.

As you jogged your way through the silent street ,you fixed your gaze only at your shoes.

You shouldn't have..

Because the next second,you suddenly bumped into someone which send you both sprawling on the ground.. at least you thought you were on the ground..

"Ughh " , you groaned.

You felt a huffed breath on your head that made you freeze .You realized you fell on something warm . You look up to see the stranger cover his face with his palm . You really wouldn't mind a scene like this as you have hooked up with a lot of boys.

But this was extremely awkward.. you were in public lying down on a stranger with your hands on his chest..

you stood up in a hast .

"Oh my god! I'm really sorry! I wasn't looking ahead! Please forgive me!", you apologized.

the stranger who was still lying on the floor groaning still covering his face replied,

"Cou-could you just help me up?"

"Oh yes! I'm sorry again"

You reply hastily while pulling his arm up . You almost tripped.

"I'm sorry for causing the inconvenience."

You bowed down to him as he stood up. As he stood in front of you,you got a better view of him.

He was wearing a black hoodie and a ridiculous beanie. You bit your lip trying to not smile,as he rubbed his neck awkwardly,trying to avoid eye contact.

As you stared at the tacky beanie,you found yourself reaching out for it. As you removed it from his head,he flinched,surprised. You put on the accessory and posed,giving him a heart.

"Don't I look cute? I love beanies too  ." , you spoke,teasing him.

He looked up but then placed his eyes down.

"Hey,Can I have it back? I really am getting late. Hasn't your parents taught you to not play with strangers?.", he replied.

You move a few steps towards him that made it really awkward for him.

" My parents are barely home but yes they have. You look like my age kid tho.", you say .

You remove the beanie and place it on his head smiling at him.

Then your eyes met.

Honestly you felt that he was cute. The way his eyes met yours ,confused you .He dint blush like the others did when you flirted... that relaxed you a bit.

He looked into yours not letting his gaze fall and then lifted his head a bit higher.

He moved a few steps towards you that made you back up.

He brought his face towards yours, pushing you to the corner of the wall.

He slammed his hand on the wall pulling his face closer to yours.

You could hear him breathing.

You closed your eyes shut , screaming internally.

He looked at your face and then chuckled , he stepped back and then raised your chin , looking directly at you.

He was nothing like the boys.

"I hope I see you around.", he said chuckling to himself and he walked away.

That bitch! You felt frustrated.

" how could he just play around with me!", you muttered.

You walked slowly towards your school looking around to see if you could spot him , but he seemed to have disappeared.

You sighed.. what a horrible day..

But as you glanced around you remembered about the dream you had.

Episode 2 end~

{woahh !! this was a long chapter! I hope you guys are liking it till now. I would be really grateful if at times you all could leave a comment so that I know that you all enjoyed it! Thank you all so much!!}

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