Chapter 03

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You hear someone exclaim as you place your bag next to your desk.

Instinctively you turn to the voice to see the class president right next to you,which startled you.

"Yah! Teahyung can you not stand this close."

You say as you shove you finger onto his chest.
But he doesn't even move,instead he grabs your hand. Flustered ,you pulled away.

"Why are you late? You have your duty to show the new student around the school."

Instead you roll your eyes and just brush past his shoulders,not even sparing a glance at him, you walk out the room.

You really never liked that jerk.

He beat you at everything.
Studies, sports, class president post ,popularity and being the teacher's pet.

Being a teacher's pet gets you lots of good privileges but he beat you to that as well , maybe because all the teachers fell for his extremely good looks.

You knew that he had gorgeous features but always just studied hard ,pushing everything else away.

As soon as you joined the school you couldn't help but admire him  but seeing his behavior with other girls you gave up. People even sometimes mistake him for a gay.

"He's gonna die alone anyway"

You roll your eyes hard bringing it almost to the back of your head.

You jog up to the roof and walk toward the railings, enjoying the warm breeze,you took deep breaths.

As you enjoyed the whether,you look down at the school field until yours eyes move past the basketball field ,towards the school shed. Surprisingly,you saw a small white fur ball run around. You squint your eyes and see a small puppy that ran around yapping happily. Smiling at yourself, ,you turn to run downstairs but you get interrupted by a girl that stood right in front of you.

You sweared under your breath.

"Are people coming this close to just see my nostril hair?"

You murmur as you rest your hand on your head,making the blonde girl giggle.

"Lanaaaaaaaaa did you bring my homework??"

Your junior asks as she swings her arms around. She had been your childhood best friend since your childhood and is still.You both always stuck to each other like glue and cared for each other. You couldn't get a better friend than her.

You chuckled and nod.

"Thank you so much! "

"Cami , well I had to do the least I could as you helped me with my assignment"

She giggled.

"do you want to get out of here?",you said looking at at her.

Instead of waiting for her reply,you just dragged her down the stairs.

"Yah!! Where are we going!! Class might start any minute!"

"I'll explain. Just follow me."

You pull her hand and run towards the school field,walking towards the direction of the shed.

Both of you slow down , catching your breath,stepping towards the shed and walk in.

It was only my heartbeat (bts fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now