Chapter 09

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Walking over to your class you met with the teacher talk to teahyung. You didn't want talk to teahyung but before you could escape,the teacher stepped towards you inquiring your health. You let her know that you were completely fine and bowed after. You took a glance at the awkward class president and walked in. He followed you and stood next to you ,seeing u unpack.

'' Are you feeling better? '', he questioned as he rose with an unusual smile on his face.

what's wrong with him?

It's been really long since you had seen him smile.

He'd smile at everone alot , but you would rarely see those smiles because everytime he would approach you would always bite at him.

You couldn't stop watching  his face. The box smile he had on his face always had you smitten.

For a second you had a sudden guilt.

You really thought about a reason to hate him,but there was nothing you could think of.

Whatever happened that day was none of his fault but you still held him guilty. You knew you were wrong.

You swallowed hard sitting down on your seat  not answering him.

He removed a few of his notebooks from his bag and put it on your table.

"You must have missed alot of notes! You can use mine.'' ,he grinned.

You weren't familiar with this aura though internally its like you have been...

Since the start of this year you have had this feeling with only him. Why is it that I'm not surprised at his behavior like the others? Its like I know him.

A sudden thought hit your brain but you pushed that possibility away.

You pout at him.

Did he have to be this cute at the worst time?

You sighed and opened up his math book and started writing down the notes.

Taehyung breathed out heavily and chuckled, feeling better.

He rested his face on his palm and watched you write your notes.

He had a small smile on his face.

You couldn't help but get flustered. You were hoping that the dim room would hide your face get red.

All the girls watched with envy as he stared at you and boys were ridden with jealousy.

In all this chaos you heard a loud thud that startled the whole class. Your teacher had entered to take the first class.


You wanted to punch teahyung's head from behind. Wow another jerk that made you feel week. You snarled behind his back not at all listening to your class .

A few seconds after,he turned to face you and gave you a huge smile. You looked away embarrassed. You hoped he dint catch you staring.

He tapped on your desk getting your attention.

"So when are we meeting up?", he asked.

" Huuh?", you asked flustered.

Did this jerk just ask you out?

"I guess you were dozing off. The teacher assigned us to a research assignment with 2 other students", he said tilting his head.

No joke. You saw the chalk board mention the students in each group. You let out a sigh but you were teeny tiny bit excited because you noticed 'MinYoongi' written in your list. He was the new kid. You looked around to spot the same minty haired kid doze off on his table.

You let out a smirk. Maybe its not gonna be that bad... but you were kinda nervous to end up with teahyung.

Is this gonna end up good?

The words you spat at him that day still haunted you. You dug your head into your arms.

"Thursday...", you mutter not meeting his eye.


You hurried down the hall to the school auditorium to be welcomed by the crowded students that came to audition.

Your favorite kpop company is holding auditon to welcome new trainees. You were in time luckily.

You ran towards a booth that collected all the student's names and gave them their number badges.

You signed up and tagged a number'78'to your shirt.

You decided to clean up a bit and went to use the washroom. By the time you were back, the auditions had started,

you joined the crowd of students that stood at the left side the stage waiting for their number to be called. You watched boys and girls crowd at the end of the auditorium seated as audience.

The judges called out names by order.
You looked at the students dance.
A few of them were immatures and a few good.
You waited till your name was called.
There was silence when your name was called and you were ready to blow them.

You let out a hard sigh as the music started.
You slowly move to the beat and start busting some moves. You danced so beautiful like as if the music flowed through you. You have been dancing almost your whole life. Even after forgetting most of your memories ,dancing you didn't
After you ended the whole audience broke into an applause,hooting,whistling.

You were so happy. This was exactly what you dreamed of. In the front audience you saw Cami and Jimin sit,applauding.
Your eyes scan the crowd and spot Teahyung at the edge of the auditorium.

Something was wrong.

He dint applaud.
He dint smile.
He dint seem happy.
His eyes looked sadly at you.

Your smile almost faded.
He got up and he left the crowd.

You gulped hard. Why was he disappointed?


End of episode 8~

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