Chapter 3

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( Hey guys! So I basically changed up the ENTIRE story/ plotline. So I suggest you read again from chapter 1, since I changed almost everything. Anyways, hope you enjoy the new story! )

Bryan POV
I sat on the ground while Zora sat in my lap, one leg on each side of my legs. She had he arms wrapped loosely around my neck and cheeks, while I had my hands snakes around her waist feeling around. We shared a deep and intimate kiss. Her lips moved with mine, and we synced our breathing. I had kinda always liked Zora. Ever since elementary, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. We were great friends. We were all great friends until two dumb fucked up kids ruined it all.

I pulled back, both of us breathing heavily.

" What's wrong?" Zora asked concerned. I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

" I uh... it's just..." I sighed. Seems like Zora took the hint.

" Hey." She said grabbing my hands. Her brown eyes sparkling up at me. " Stop thinking about it. It wasn't your fault." She said giving me a reassuring smile.

" Yeah.." I trailed off, as she leaned back in.

" Now where were we?" She asked grinning, and pushed her lips back onto mine.


I could have sworn I felt a gust of air, and suddenly light was entering the room.

" What the fuck." I hear a familiar voice say, and I shot my head up to see Kailani standing in the doorway.


Zora POV
I stared in shock as I say Kailani starring back. Shock, anger, betrayal, and sadness flashed in her eyes before landing back on anger.

Dealing with an angry Kailani was not good.

" Zora.." she starts calmly.

" K-" I start, trying to be sympathetic.

" Zora..." her tone with more frustration.

" K can't we just-" I say still trying to be sympathetic. Any way to calm her down.

" ZORA YOU FUCKING SLUT!" Kayla shouts. I feel taken aback by her words... Slut?

" Woah there Kailani. Won't you calm down. She didn't do anything." Bryan buds in.

Wrong decision my friend.

" Oh shut it Holl." She says and turns to face him.

" I have spent four fucking years of my life trying to stay away from you and your little fucking companion. Trying to get you out of my life." She says a bit calmer, but with a lot of anger behind her words.

"Four agonizing fucking years Bryan!" She screams.

" And after four fucking years of ignoring you, I decide to give you another chance. See if you changed." She states.

" But when I walk in on you two." She says pointing her finger at both of us. " Having fucking SEX!" She yells and I almost choke on air.

" Woah, first of all, calm your shit, and second of all, we were not having sex, " I say defensively.

" Ok, but you were about to no? What would you have done if i hadent walked in huh?" She says. I have to admit she was pushing it. I actually don't know what would have happened if she hadn't have come in. Would we have just kissed? Or would it have turned into something more?

" No. We were not about to. We were just kissing." Bryan says.


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