Chapter 8 - Sweet Things and Outdoor Agreements

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Frowning; it wasn't the greatest thing to be doing, but in actuality, it was all I could think to do.

After Ash stormed off and left me wondering why I said what I had, as much as I tried, I just couldn't shake the searing sight of the pain and suppressed agony in his eyes. There was a reason to it, trapped behind a guard – a shield – and him being pissed with me wasn't going to help me find out.

The best way I could think to relieve myself of the guiltiness coursing through me was to get some fresh air. Sliding open the patio door, I took a seat on one of the cushioned, grey metal chairs outside on the balcony, hoping to relieve some thoughts.

Now think, Mack.

However, before any type of thinking could even start, my stomach rumbled loudly – the kind that passed a painful sensation through my body. Man, I was hungry.

Again, my frown made an appearance when I should've been downstairs eating breakfast, but if Ash was down there, how could I have faced him? Not that he'd even give me a moment of his time and just ignore me to infinity and beyond.

Bunching my lips to the side of my mouth, I leaned back into my chair and looked up to the clouds passing by. But the sound of a chime from inside notified me that I'd received a text. Thinking it was just a pizza offer notification that usually comes directly to my phone, I ignored it. But when it chimed again, twice, that couldn't have been just anything – it could've only been Destiny.

I stumbled out of my chair and nearly ran straight into the glass patio door in the process. Planting myself face first onto the bed, my phone shunted to the side, but I caught it before it could fall off the side of the bed.

come to room 412 - we're all heading out for breakfast :p

dude, don't ignore me

oiiii you

My lips pursed at the multiple texts from Destiny, but I only focused on the fact that she said 'all', meaning it definitely included Ash.

Clearly, he went to his best friend to let off some steam with him, as the girl he was sharing his room with pretty much served up a reminder of his past on a platter and handed it right over.

I realised that I'd have to face him sooner than I hoped.

Exhaling, I tried to not give in to the prodding thoughts in the back of my mind, those that were trying to talk me out of not having breakfast altogether in order to not face Ash.

But I plucked up some willpower and jogged into the bathroom to spritz perfume onto my clothes and neck area. I peered at my reflection in the mirror.

You can do it, Mack, I told myself. You can fix it with Ash.

Only if it was as easy as saying the words.

Placing my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, I remembered to pick up my keycard just before I ran out of the room, aware that if I couldn't amend things with Ash today, he wouldn't exactly be willing to let me back in.

After mistakenly reading the text wrong, I'd navigated myself to room 412 immediately after knocking on room 421 and waking the sleeping couple. They were not particularly chuffed with me for disturbing them and shouted all kinds of words at me as I ran down the corridor away from them.

I never realised how caught up in my thoughts I was to not even doubt why Destiny and Shawn, apart from Ash and I, would be in a completely different section to everyone else. Oops.


The shiny, gold coloured numbers drilled into the door confirmed I was thankfully at the right door. I made no effort to knock but just simply stood outside, eyeballing the wooden door and the small whiteboard hanging outside with Destiny and Shawn's names elegantly written with a greeting located in the corner. I could tell it wasn't Destiny's handwriting which made me briefly laugh on the inside.

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