Chapter One: President, Ma'am?

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"Congratulations, ma'am!"

A chipper voice rang through the office as Hazuki bowed towards you. You smile with a bright smile as you nodded and thanked him. It was 2022 and you had finally taken over the bastard Trump. You were going to help fix the corrupted nation he had created over the years. After Anonymous had finished their work, cancelling Trump and other's disgusting work, you finally reached the pinnacle of your life. Becoming the new female president! And unlike (let's not mention his name) you deserved it, you worked hard and stuck to your promises. It has been just over two weeks and your friend Hazuki still seemed to be praising you. It was unfortunate though, you had been looking forward to see the oh so powerful Anonymous talk about you, try to find any dirt he could, to make you feel the lowest of the low, to make you realise you were beneath him. Ha, you wish. Beneath that mysterious man, the one you want to touch of so badly. The one-

"Um..Miss..I know we're friends and all but I'm telling you now. It's best you stop attempting to track him down. Who knows what he's capable of?.."

"I do."

You responded coldly, gripping at your shirt, your heart pounding faster against the skin that seemed to dampen just thinking about him. And it wasn't the only thing dampening..

"I know what he's capable of, Hazuki. You saw what he did, we all did damnit! I need to know who he is. What does he want? Justice? Peace? To be the new God? Just..Just what is it?"

It was true. There had been many people trying to track down these Anonymous people. But most important the leader. The man in charge. Because when they did, everyone else involved would cripple and rot in the cells. But fortunately, they were so discrete that not even the FBI, CIA and police forces from all around the world could track these hacking geniuses. Nor could they track him. Good God..Anonymous..


After the exhausting day, you returned home. Kicking off your shoes, exhausted. Still no luck tracking the man you had been madly in love with for so long. He gave justice for what happened to your mother. Murdered and beat by the police. You had been trying to track him down before even running for president but unfortunately, your tools and crappy PC were not enough. Being in the position you were now, maybe he could see what you were trying to do; help the world like he did. The past two weeks have been chaotic, you trying to track Anonymous as well as the work you've had to do on another hand. 22 years old and president? Wow, that was an achievement. He could see that right? Right? As you reflected on your day, you heard footsteps outside. Multiple. Coming right here. You abruptly got yourself up, reaching the kitchen and grabbing a knife. Slowly, creeping forward. The footsteps were gone? Good God. It must've just been your imagination. How stupid. BAM. Everything went black as you hopelessly struggling to get out of a surprisingly strong and painful grip. Slashing the knife, you clearly injured the fairly buff person holding you captive. As your feet were restrained as well, you slowly dipped in and out of consciousness as you were choked. Not to death, but just to pass out..

Behave, President Ma'am {LEMON}Where stories live. Discover now