Pt 1

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It was yet another day at the riot. You swore that you won't stop fighting alongside your black brothers and sisters until your last fuckin breath.

You screaming, demanding justice and even using yourself as a shield to protect some of the protesters who were clearly targetted by the police.

It was all relatively the same until someone from the crowd started shouting and telling everyone to back up cause the pigs(cops) decided to start throwing tear gas.

Everybody was running for safety and so were you, until you noticed someone trip and fall knowing full well that they are a target to the police you decided to run back and help the person.

You weren't that strong and your body was small compared to the other person you were trying to save. But you did not fuckin give up, you used all of your force to lift them up and thankfully some people noticed and ran to help you two.

But before you knew it a tear gas can exploded somewhere close to you. You could not see anything, you face was burning so much. You have never felt pain like this before.

You were trying to rub it off of your eyes with your hands, it was a really stupid decision from your part but the panic and pain made all common sense fly right out of your brain.

Until you heard a deep voice telling you to stop. He did not sound human. His voice sounded like it was muffled by a mask. "You are safe with me, don't worry, I'm with the protesters," he knew you couldn't see so he reassured you. you felt your body lift up from the ground and be carried away like you weighed nothing.

It felt like satan was having a party on your face. You could not feel anything besides pain.

You felt your body being put on a ground where you assumed was safe and before you knew it water was splashed on your face. It helped but not a lot. The person treating you knew that too cause he kept pouring it on your face.

Then you felt a big strong hand on your face "this will hurt I know it but bare with me" he said. You had no idea what he was talking about but that curiosity was answered quickly when you felt someone open your eye and splash some kind of liquid in it.

You slowly started opening your eyes, you were facing your hands when you opened them. You quickly turned your gaze to the stranger that saved your life but was baffled to what you saw. "Iron man?" you said out loud. You weren't technically wrong it was a guy in a full riot suit, extremely tall towering over you.

The guy let out a laugh "First time hearing that one". You couldn't hear what he was saying because this did not feel real for you It was straight out of a fictional film.

You quickly thanked him and did not know what else to say. He made sure you were alright before he left to help the other protesters in need. You were completely baffled. You did not move from your place.


Days past from the protest and you still could not still stop thinking about the super soldier that saved you.

You open Twitter to see what we're people were tweeting about. And there he was the stranger that saved your life right here in someone's video.

People called him Tank. That name sure does suit him you thought. You kept scrolling and nothing but pictures and videos of him came up on your feed.

Nobody dared to put his real name or identity out there cause we collectively agreed to keep the hero safe from the police.

You went on with your day fighting with some small-minded dumb fucks on social media and signing some petitions. You made sure that everybody knew you were here to risk your life for the black community.

While tweeting and arguing with people on twitter, someone dmed you. You thought it was another dick head to disagreed with something you post. But no it was from a guy named Sebastian telling you to never stop fighting for what's right.

You were gonna ignore him at first but you decided to go through his twitter first, you found his Instagram soon after and MAN HE WAS HOT. He had black hair with diamond blue eyes, built like a Greek god with perfect pink lips.

So you dmed him back and soon found out that the two of you were at the same protest, weird you thought to yourself, how come you didn't notice him? Oh yeah, you were fuckin TEAR GASSED.

You told him you were going to the other one today and if you two should meet. He went silent for a little bit and said he can't, he has something important to attend to. You tried convincing him but the conversation slowly died from there. You were curious to why he suddenly went dry mode when you asked him that but didn't have time to ask cause you started getting ready for the hopefully a peaceful protest this time.

You were equipped with supplies and gears a little bit better now. Knowing what those animals could do, you wanted to be safe and protect if needed.

It was the same as last time. People peacefully protesting but police and looters ruining everything. But this time it got bad real quick. Just as people were protesting a curfew was announced that said "If people still protest or are not in their houses after this said hour Police are allowed to give them jail time".

And before you know it people were screaming and tear gasses were getting thrown everywhere. It was like a war zone but one of the sides was not equipped properly and was not doing anything wrong.

You were running for dear life when suddenly you tripped and fell and sprained your ankle. You got up but you couldn't run and with a foot like this, there was no way you would make a home before the curfew.

You tried your best to run until you felt someone running towards you, you were so terrified because you couldn't tell who it was from the smoke everywhere. The stranger held you by the arm flipped you to them and the face well the ask that you saw made you sigh from relief.

He asked if you're okay you said no and told him about your ankle. He quickly lifted you up and ran to the safest location.

You two were alone there. "We meet again he said" and chuckled. Your mind started going crazy cause of the phrase, OMG OMG he remembered me OMG. You tried calming your stupid thoughts down and smiled.

"You know there's a curfew right, you need to be home soon," he said. You told him that you lived too far and there was no way you could make it before the curfew especially with an ankle like this.

"My house is nearby, you can come and chill there until everything dies down and your ankle is better" Your faced flushed red when you heard that from him, thank god he didn't notice or did he?

"That is if you are okay with it" he continued. "That would be nice of you" you said trying to keep the excitement inside.

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