A Christmas Present

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I try to think of things to buy, just so you'll know how much I care. As time has gone by and I've grown in the mind, I see that mere things are not enough. An object can not say, "I love you with all my heart", nor can little gifts wrapped with pretty bows. The words themselves are something that can not be bought, but can only be spoken from the heart. So to my family who is far and my family that is near, I say, "I love you all so much! I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!" Even though there are some I barely know in this family of mine, my heart goes out to all. This is a Christmas present to all of you. It can not be wrapped or put under a tree, but it is so much more. A piece of my heart, for you to hold close, is the greatest gift I could bestow upon you. I love you all with all my heart. I can only hope that my message rings true, and it means as much to you to receive, as it does for me to give.

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