Chapter 3

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Giovanni and Y/N walked through the woods until they came to a town. "I have to do something here first," he said. "Do you wanna come with?"
Y/N nodded. Giovanni put her on the ground, but held her hand. They walked over to what looked like a police station. Her suspicions were confirmed when Giovanni yelled, "This is a police station!" very loudly.
Giovanni burst through the door, little Y/N running to keep up with him. "Oh, hi!" a cheerful voice called out. "Can I help you?" Y/N looked over and saw a sherif. "Uh, yeah," Giovanni said. "I'm supposed to be meeting someone here for... crime things."
"You must mean the prisoner!" the sherif said. "He's right here in our first and only cell! Can't miss him!" They walked over to the cell, seeing the back of a man with reddish hair in a ponytail. "Are you-" Giovanni started, but then stopped to lower his voice as if a Y/N couldn't still hear him. "Are you Ramey Murdoch?" "I am he," the man turned around to reveal he had a rat face and one eye was gold. It looked uncomfortable.
Giovanni screamed like a girl. "Ah! Oh! Your face!" he said. "Alright then, I appraise you to be a jerk," the man, Ramsey, said. "Sorry, it's just-" "The eye, right?" Ramsey points to the eye that's made out of gold.
Y/N decided to come out from behind Giovanni. Ramsey looked down at her confused, then gave Giovanni an unamused look. "A kid? You brought A KID?" Ramsey asked, knowing that Giovanni 100% just found in the woods. "Yeah! I just found her in the woods!" Giovanni said.
Ramsey sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I swear, if you let that kid get hurt, I'm going to kill you. I still care about kids!" Ramsey said. "Yeah, yeah, just tell me how much money the amulets worth!" Giovanni said.
Giovanni and Ramsey talked about some things that Y/N didn't understand, then they left. Giovanni was making air guitar noises with Y/N walking in front of him. She looked back at him, then bumped into someone, causing her to fall on top of Giovanni.
"Well, well, well, what have we here Arnold?"
Another chapter out! Sorry, I couldn't update yesterday, I was busy. Welp, I finally get to write about these losers, Arnold and Bugsy, and I'm trying my hardest to make longer chapters for you guys! Maddy out!

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