Chapter 4

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"Well, well, well, what have we here Arnold?" A very... big man asked.
"O-ow..." Y/N said quietly, as Giovanni was very bony. "Hard to tell, Bugsy," another man, which Y/N assumed was Arnold, said. "But if I had to guess, I'd say it looks like a little old Banzai Captain with a child- WAIT!" Arnold interrupted himself.
"What's wrong, Arnold?" Bugsy asked. "Why is there a child?" Arnold asked. "Oh, who cares? We just need that amulet." Y/N got off of Giovanni, who stood up and stood in front of Y/N protectively. "Don't touch her..." Giovanni said menacingly, remembering what Ramsey said.
"Oh, don't worry," Arnold said. "We won't hurt her... if you give us the amulet..." "And if I don't?" Giovanni asked. "Oh, well, we might just have to harm her to get it away from you," Bugsy said, as if they had planned the whole thing out. Y/N tensed up at his words and clung to Giovanni, whimpering in fear. "I won't let you have the amulet OR touch her!" Giovanni yelled.
"Oh, too bad," Arnold said, getting ready to snap his fingers. "Bring the girl to me!" he said as he snapped his fingers. Some minions grabbed hold of Y/N's arms, starting to drag her away form Giovanni and towards the two vice principles.
Y/N screamed. But that didn't stop them. She was thrown to the ground in front of Arnold and Bugsy. The two villains looked down at her. She looked back up with wide eyes, holding back tears. Before anything could happen to her, though, Giovanni spoke up. "Wait!" he yelled. He held out the necklace. "Take it. Just... don't hurt Y/N..."
Arnold and Bugsy took the amulet and Y/N ran back to Giovanni. "You're not real bad guys!" Giovanni said to the two. "You're just jerks! Who could you be so selfish?" "Villainy is a dog-eat-dog work little boy," Arnold replied. "You gotta be cutthroat to survive!"
Before anything else could happen, Giovanni picked up Y/N and walked away into a bar.
Finally! Another chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had writers block, lol!

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