Chapter 6

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Percy started getting slower and falling behind, so Y/N jogged to catch up with Ramsey. Ramsey stopped and started mumbling to himself about something. Percy caught up and started apologizing about being slow. "Don't worry about it," Ramsey said. While Percy and Ramsey were talking, Y/N decided to walk around because she was bored. After walking for a while, she came across a construction site.
She stood there and watched the people work. 'They're really fast' she thought. She tried to be as quiet as possible and walk back to Percy and Ramsey, but she stepped on a stick, catching the attention of all the people working. She flinched and turned around to look at the man at the top.
"A kid?" he said. "What are you doing here?" he asked Y/N. "U-umm... well... I got bored waiting for Miss Percy and Mr. Ramsey, so I walked away for a little bit. I was gonna go back though," Y/N replied.
"You shouldn't be out here alone. Lots of Banzai Blasters," the man said. "I know, but it was just for a little bit-" "Y/N!"
Y/N turned around and saw Percy and Ramsey running towards her. They sighed when they saw her. "You can't run off like that without telling us, Y/N!" Ramsey yelled, worry lacing his voice. "Sorry..." Y/N said, looking at the ground. Ramsey sighed. "It's fine, just don't do it again."
"So that's who she meant by 'Miss Percy'." They all turned around to see who Y/N called 'Fast Man'. "You here to take another job from me and my worker bees?!" he said, seeming to get angrier by the second. Y/N didn't like this, so she went behind Ramsey.
"Stand down, Howie," Percy said. "We're on police business." He glared at her, than went back to working.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating, but I've been on vacation! This chapter may be short, and a little rushed, but I hope you enjoyed it! I was trying to get another chapter rout to you guys, lol!

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