Chapter 5

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Giovanni and Y/N arrived inside the bar. Giovanni sat down, and Y/N say in his lap. "Give me something hard," Giovanni said to the bartender '???' Y/N thought. "Sweet Jazz Police! I place you under arrest for the theft of the Arsene Amulet!" a females voice called out. "Police lady?!" Giovanni yelled. "POLICE LADY?!?!" The other Banzai Blasters yelled. Suddenly, the door was broken down (kind of unnecessary) and Arnold and Bugsy ran in. "AH!" Giovanni yelled. "Well, well, well, it's the little cop who thought she could mess with our men," Bugsy said.
"You've damaged the establishments door. I hope you intend to repair that," the cop said. You noticed Ramsey with her, but then Bugsy spoke again. "Here that boys? She thinks she can give me orders?" Bugsy laughed, but no one else laughed with him. "Laugh!" he yelled, and the others started laughing.
"Look around you!" Arnold said. "In case you haven't noticed, you're completely surrounded!"
While all of this was happening, Y/N was clinging to Giovanni. "You sold me out to a COP?!" Giovanni yelled at Ramsey. "Hey, hey, hey, I didn't know she was after YOU specifically!" Ramsey replied. "Oh YEAH RIGHT! First those guys take the necklace, and now THIS?" "You lost it? It's been TEN MINUTES!" "They were MEAN and tried to hurt Y/N ok?!" A Banzai Blaster flew over their heads, and they ducked down. Ramsey said that he would distract the cop (who he called Percy) and Y/N was given to Ramsey and Percy.
The bartender started talking about how he hasn't seen a brawl in years, and took out a gun which he said had soup in it. He fired it right at Arnold, who was frozen in place. "Out of my way!" Bugsy yelled. He pushed Arnold away and ate the soup. "Time to show you fools the power of a Banzai Vice Principle!"
He hovered a finger over his belly button, and then spit out... ice..? It broke Percy's tower, which broke the magnetic field. Bugsy started explaining his epithet (I don't remember what he says, lol) and then Arnold took out some coupons. Bugsy shot another ice blast that went straight for Percy. But before it could hit her, Y/N suddenly appeared I front of her, taking the hit, which froze her arm. 'Y/N, Epithet: Teleport. The user can, well, teleport.' One thing about Y/N: she hates anything cold. "Ow..." she whispered softly. She looked at Arnold and Bugsy and tried to look menacing, but they only laughed. Suddenly, Ramsey stepped in front of her. "Hey! Don't move!" Ramsey said. "I got crayons!"
"What are you gonna do, color outside the lines?" Arnold mocked. "Out of the way, eyeball," Bugsy said, and pushed Ramsey to the other side of the room. "Ok, you asked for it!" Ramsey said. He turned, so neither Percy, nor Y/N could see. Meanwhile Arnold and Bugsy were getting closer.
Suddenly, Bugsy was hit with a crayon. "Hey! That hurt!" He said. Arnold used a coupon so that Bugsy was healed. He... ate.... the crayons...? Meanwhile, Percy was comforting Y/N, who was crying. You know how I said that she hates the cold? Yeah. Well, it just so happens that the ice on her arm is cold. Shocker, huh? They looked back and saw Bugsy eating more soup. Y/N whimpered. But instead of firing an ice blast, he spit out the soup, which was hot. It melted Y/N arm, and she stopped crying.
Suddenly, Giovanni came out of no where. "Gio!" Y/N yelled. Giovanni ran out, muttering something about his mom and the cops.
Bugsy has ran off, too, and that left Arnold. He laughed nervously, then tried to escape, but Ramsey tripped him. They cuffed him, then made him tell them where Bugsy went. Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. They left the bar, and started walking.

Hey guys! Really sorry for not updating! But recently I have had some (or one) nice comment that lifted my spirits about this book! So I should be updating a little more frequently! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, keep in mind that it's been a while since I watched Epithet Erased, so I don't remember everything! Well then, Maddy out!

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